Hey guys,
I just got an idea and i hope you think its a good one
The idea: With the new system of finding random items, people often have two or more of the same weapons (E.g. i have 5 blutsaugers :/). Well besides a trading system, i think this issue can be solved also in another way.. Why not add an option (next to the inventory) for 'weapon modification', where you can put three of the same weapons to get a (slightly) better version of that weapon.. E.g. the blutsauger at level 5 has Health gain: 3 (30/sec), well if you have three of them, you can (or trade them with somebody else) or you can melt them together (technology of blu and red combined) into a blutsauger at level 10 with health gain: 4 (40/sec), 3 blutsaugers level 10 makes a blutsauger level 15 and so on... 'till a certain level (discutable)! Weapons with a higher level, can't be as much modified as lower level weapons.. Of course you can also find these higher level items (but with a low frequency like the hats).
An extra for new and not-so-often players: the chance to find an item would be higher the less items you have in your inventroy E.g. : the chance of finding an item would be a lot higher compared to people with a full inventory.
This has five major advantages: (1) You can keep room in your inventory for finding other items, (2) The motivation for looking for more items will go up (and so will the playing-time) because of the willingness to upgrade the existing weapons, (3) The gamers who don’t want/can’t trade, can spend their weapons in another way, (4) it will enhance the upcoming trade-system and (5) is new player friendly.
Feed-back is most welcome!! And if you like it, I'll post it on the official forums on steam (still waiting for activation :s).
(I hope VALVe considers this idea, so I can do something with my 5 blutsaugers
I just got an idea and i hope you think its a good one
The idea: With the new system of finding random items, people often have two or more of the same weapons (E.g. i have 5 blutsaugers :/). Well besides a trading system, i think this issue can be solved also in another way.. Why not add an option (next to the inventory) for 'weapon modification', where you can put three of the same weapons to get a (slightly) better version of that weapon.. E.g. the blutsauger at level 5 has Health gain: 3 (30/sec), well if you have three of them, you can (or trade them with somebody else) or you can melt them together (technology of blu and red combined) into a blutsauger at level 10 with health gain: 4 (40/sec), 3 blutsaugers level 10 makes a blutsauger level 15 and so on... 'till a certain level (discutable)! Weapons with a higher level, can't be as much modified as lower level weapons.. Of course you can also find these higher level items (but with a low frequency like the hats).
An extra for new and not-so-often players: the chance to find an item would be higher the less items you have in your inventroy E.g. : the chance of finding an item would be a lot higher compared to people with a full inventory.
This has five major advantages: (1) You can keep room in your inventory for finding other items, (2) The motivation for looking for more items will go up (and so will the playing-time) because of the willingness to upgrade the existing weapons, (3) The gamers who don’t want/can’t trade, can spend their weapons in another way, (4) it will enhance the upcoming trade-system and (5) is new player friendly.
Feed-back is most welcome!! And if you like it, I'll post it on the official forums on steam (still waiting for activation :s).
(I hope VALVe considers this idea, so I can do something with my 5 blutsaugers