TFC engineer code



How do you code the "metal system" to build sentry guns because I want something like that for my mod

Note: I just cant learn C++ for some reason

why does it say "scanner" below my name
(Because you're a new member. The more posts, the better the title, scanner, manhack, headcrab, zombie, I suppose)
Pfft try learning C++. No-one is going to do the work for you.
And I never heard of a 'metal system' in TFC. The engineer could build one SG and one Disp. That's all.
He's talking about the resources as an engineer you need to have (in the red backpacks).

Sorry bud, you're going to have to do this for yourself... Nobody can do it for you.
Sorry but that's like saying, "I can't read music and don't want to learn, but I want to perform in a Symphony", you need to take the time to learn C++ before you can code something in it :)
theres no way youll be able to code that, or even implement someone elses code of that without knowing some C++