tfc remake



I posted a thread about this earlier. Just now noticed the image link was broken. I'll continue this thread with updates. I plan on remaking all the tfc player models into highres versions over time.


Pritty good, Its a lot better than my high polgon work thats for sure :D
yeah i was wondering why i was the only one who posted in tht thread ..
btw the images still arent showing up for me

it jsut came through on refresh nice work ..i sugest using a free image host for the work or if its big u can email to me and ill find a good host for u.
I love the engineers muscualr proportions, it seriously looks like a real construction worker kind of guy. The only thing I would suggest is that the chestplate on the engineer seems a little odd. A little out of place too. Good work though.
Can't wait to see the Heavy Weapon's guy :).
The engineer is awesome but missing one thing, his cigaret.
also, very nice on the demoman so far, way cooler than the previous ones.
wow totally cool. could you post some wireframes? i don't know how the poly-flow is supposed to be for body and arms, i'm pretty good with the head/face.
Ok, that looks awesome. Now you need to convert your very-high polygon model to a less-than-10k polygon model and make use of normal mapping, right?
That is really cool! The chestplate and crotch areas of the engineer are funky though. I'd go more in depth but I have to go.
this looks pro

the engineer needs some work on the crotch like anklar said. I would also give him more definition in the hands. The shape of the boots is kinda weird too.