TGS 2005 | Metal Gear Solid 4 Screens !

Holy shit. Those screens are ace. Although I never liked the MGS series...
well, we know Solid Snake is the star
kojima said that
I thought the screens look very average for Next-Gen stuff. And whoever that is, whether its Ocelot or Snake, they look completely gereatric and should be in a nursing home.
Prince of China said:
It looks good but I was hoping for a more youthful Snake.
that's what MGS3 was for, even though it was Big Boss, this is old Snake, it's not like he kicks any less ass
Icarusintel said:
that's what MGS3 was for, even though it was Big Boss, this is old Snake, it's not like he kicks any less ass
hell, maybe more ass !
DigiQ8 said:
hell, maybe more ass !
yeah, and so long as David Hayter's still doing the voice then there's nothing to worry about... and there's no reason to suspect he won;t be doing the voice
Icarusintel said:
f*cking a! hopefully we get to go after the Patriots in this one...
even though they're already dead
lol yea
that shocked me at the end of MGS2

EDIT : " it's reported that Kojima Productions will post the trailer itself on the MGS4 site at the close of TGS' first day, just a few hours from now. " -- Gamespot
my oh my, how time has taken a toll on snake. laugh.
Wow, look at all that future shit. I can't wait to get this game! ZOMG! Looks like they toned the Metal Gear's down a bit, or whatever these are

Oh yeah, Otacon finally looks kind of cool.

Is that an M4 snake is wielding(or is it that new FN SCAR?) I hope there are futuristic weapons like the XM8
Sparta said:
Bah? Jokes? Do tell

The video I mean. The beginning section makes you think it's an FPS and takes a little stab at the Killzone 2 vid saying, "Forget Prerendered Stuff"

EDIT: is "Bah?" a real question :P
OMFG Pleasure Overload, it looks so good, how can some people say it looks average for next gen, gimme a break...

reminds me of black hawk down alot...

and they've only been working on it a few months too...:eek:

liked the cell processor joke...

nice info from kojima productions on the game:
Unseen" could be described as the inner aspect. For instance, if one were to talk about realistic graphics in the gaming industry, he or she would be referring to an image that is photograph-like. That, however, is reality from an external perspective and does not necessarily take into account the inner aspect. In the past, buildings in games were similar to those found on movie or stage sets and were merely pictures or photographs of wall-material pasted on the surface of a polygon model. The characters created on infinitesimally thin boards were also devoid of any signs of inner flesh, blood, or heart.

With next-generation hardware, Hideo Kojima intends to undertake the task of creating the inner qualities of these elements. When objects break, the sound generated from the breakage differs according to the weight and hardness of the object, and the content of the objects becomes exposed. When a character sustains an injury, not only would he experience physical change, but his physical agony would inevitably be accompanied by an emotional, sensory, and spiritual change. For instance, when the wind blows, there is a gradual shift in the configuration of the sand. When trees are burned to the ground, new seeds in the scorched earth sprout and bloom into flowers.
Holy Cow!
That's friggin' rad d00d!
Nah seriously, that's great.. I can't wait, I really do hope it somehow manages to release in 2k6..:)
Tree burned and seeds go into the earth to spawn flowers.

Seriously, is there even going to be time in the game to even witness that?
Sparta said:
I thought the screens look very average for Next-Gen stuff.

Really? I'd sure as hell like to see what games you're talking about that look better.
TheSomeone said:
Really? I'd sure as hell like to see what games you're talking about that look better.

"d00d haf-life too has liek s0000 mUcH b3tt3r grafixcs than mgs4 itz n0t ev3n fUnny LOLZ"