Thank god! I'm out of a crappy job and got a nice job!!


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
I used to work for a casino (well not really a casino, more like a casino that promotes horse racing). Anyway last Friday was my last day and I feel great! Not only that, I got one hell of a good job. I've been wanting this job for many, many months. I work for AGLC (Alberta gaming and liquor commission) as a technician. Because this is a government job I get, high pay, great benefits, the most best schedule ever (IMO, 8 days straight then 6 days off), AND NOBODY CALLING ME IN ON MY DAYS OFF!!!!!

Just this morning the casino called me and gave me the usual excuses "OMFG!! Were short of staff!! The buildings on fire!! The seniors and NAKED!!!! Come work today!!!!!!"

What is there problem?? I no longer work there plus I booked days off....Thank god I am out of that!! YESSSS!!
Thought you worked at an airport?

Ya I got laid off a couple months back...the industry is going down. I worked at the casino after because I worked there while I was at school. Plus some of my friends of work joined AGLC as well, so It could have not turned out better. (Plus this job pays more than the avionics job :) )

EDIT: You'd be surprised how many people from the avionics industry are now working for AGLC. The head technician also got laid off from the same place I was working at, the only difference is, he got laid of first. He says the stress level is much more manageable. At the avionics job, the stress was around a 7 or an 8. At this job, the stress level is around 2 or 3. You are your own boss as well....can't wait.
congrats, sounds like a helluva job to get into
We're expecting those regular paypal donations now, then.
I hear ya man. I got out of a shitty job, into a bad one, into a great one. From Fast Food, to Retail, To Technical Representative. Ahhhh.