Thank you AMD.


May 11, 2004
Reaction score
up to 30% price cuts. :bounce:
I wish the 3800 went down in price a little bit more but I guess you cant win all the battles.
Wouldnt make sense to drop the 3800's price to much from the fx-53 as they perform very similar.

:thumbs: up to AMD
I heard the rumors and they be true!
That's just awesome. Now there really is no reason to go Intel. ;)

FictiousWill said:
Damn. I just upgraded.
Well so did I but this how life is...and technology.
It's only a few bucks. I shoulda clicked the link. Feeling better now.
Holy crap im glad Im waiting a little bit, just saved myself about 30 bucks :)
the 3200 seems like good performance for price now. Its nearly the same proice the 3000 was a week ago.
Actually I'd say the 3400+ seems like the chip to jump on unless you want to save that money.
288$...That's almost the price the 3200+ was. :P
And now Socket 939 might be considered 'affordable' if it wasn't before.
Only 346$ for the 3500+!
I am gonna buy a new PC around september. 3400+ looks like a goood candidate now.
I'm glad I got my 3500+ right after the price drops. I saved $154!
I want a 3500 but im still waiting for price drops at :(
Hey blackeye just find another computer retailer that is canadian and if their price is less then NCIX's you can get NCIX to pricematch it.
lol didnt i tell yall they would drop price....part of the halo effect marketting system
A processor is same over the whole world right, so that doesnt matter if i buy it in Holland or America? :P

In Holland the athlon64 3200+ is like 300 and more euro. And 1 euro is more then 1 dollar i think. So that sucks.
I noticed the past 2 days the athlon i'm going to buy has gone down almost 40$ in price!
Jesus, the 3400+ went down like 100$ in price. :cheers: That alone makes me wanna upgrade from my xp300+. Anyone wanna buy some computer parts? hehe.... :E