The 1 and the 0.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
On and off. Every time you reach your hand blindly into the darkness for that light switch, you should stop and think for a moment. Realize that nearly everything today we hold dear that defines us as a modern civilization is from the result of that concept. When you flip that switch, the light turns on. The light of a creative idea spawned from the simple concept of the 1 and the 0. A concept that has sparked the greatest revolution history has ever known, and the origin of a great many more things to come.

I think back and I wonder, did the first pioneers who theorized and put into practice the concept of running electricity through circuitry to achieve practical applications realize how large and profound their research and developments would be? Could they have fathomed a future where most everybody on the planet is affected in one way or another by it, yet as a whole nearly none of them truly understand and appreciate how it all works? Perhaps it is how efficiently and invisibly it has integrated itself into our lives, taken for granted and left ultimately unappreciated by the masses.

That such a basic concept as flipping a switch on and off and multiplying it exponentially to yield infinite possibilities both imaginable and realized today, as well as unknowable and limitless tomorrow...

All I can say is thank you 1 and 0.
the bit is the basic unit of information which itself is negative entropy. Entropy is neat stuff.

this thread destroys the worth of math every second it continues to live. Which may not be a bad thing.
10 = 2

what ?

10 = 2 everyone knows that..

please correct me if im wrong? havent done this in a while...
raz you should really look into logical gates to appreciate this on a deeper level.
I watched a program on the history channel about how the universe is expanding. I think it's contracting ever since this thread started. I feel slightly smaller.
This thread is an intellectual discussion about 1 and 0. It does not suck.
I watched a program on the history channel about how the universe is expanding. I think it's contracting ever since this thread started. I feel slightly smaller.

No, that's just your brain, because this thread is subtracting IQ points for every second it continues to exist.
now that's both disturbing, offensive, and lulzworthy. OH NOES THE HOLE IS GROWING.
This thread is causing portal storms around the world.

Because it is awesome. Not because it sucks.
You all suck and I hate you. Nothing you ever say or do from here on out will change that fact. You deserve my eternal contempt.
I specifically did not resonate Raziaar's mom's cascade.
I specifically did not resonate Raziaar's mom's cascade.

Dude... nobody can touch my mom. Vegeta is all over that shit, and I don't think he'd ever appreciate anybody touching her but him.

I mean... I don't even think there's enough bandwidth on these forums to list all the things he's said he's done to her.
I blame number 2.

Raziaar tried to start a very intellectual discussion about how the number 1 and the number 0 have been important to us. Then the number 2 came over and ****ed the thread up.

I take this opportunity to say:

Thank you, number 0 and number 1.

**** number 2.
Dude... nobody can touch my mom. Vegeta is all over that shit, and I don't think he'd ever appreciate anybody touching her but him.

I mean... I don't even think there's enough bandwidth on these forums to list all the things he's said he's done to her.

Oh, I know. I've watched him from the shadows.

See all those words he always types? He doesn't actually type those. He built a giant keyboard, with keys the size of beds, in a warehouse. To press a single letter, he and Raziaar's mom have sex on it until it finally depresses from all the thrusting force impacted upon it.

His penis will be irreversibly destroyed by the time he's twenty-four.
So... Raziaar's mom has the power to irreversibly destroy Vegeta's penis...

We MUST warn Vegeta before she does any more damage! He doesn't know he is being destroyed slowly!
I swear to god, I caught in its worst possible hour.
Raz, I would have given a more constructive reply, but as I detailed in my depression thread I'm trying to work on not over-thinking stuff. Giving any sort of constructive reply to a hugely intelligent post like yours is the exact opposite of what would help me relax myself. So, sorry for the spam.

Raz, I would have given a more constructive reply, but as I detailed in my depression thread I'm trying to work on not over-thinking stuff. Giving any sort of constructive reply to a hugely intelligent post like yours is the exact opposite of what would help me relax myself. So, sorry for the spam.


Well, to be fair my original post wasn't really intelligent. It was sort of cheesy but I wrote it anyways.
Every action or inaction can be expressed as 1 or 0: light on = 1, light off = 0.

I opened this thread, that was a 1.

I'm replying, that's a 1.

I vote this thread a 0. Is that a one, or a zero?
Well, compared to most of the forum it was hugely intelligent :p

[edit] Darkside, that was awesome. And it's a zero, by the way.
I blame 6.

BTW, dark side did you see my video on your recent un-personification?