the 3 ltr wrd lng trd

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Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
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Translation: "The Three Letter Word Language Thread"

Hop ths isn lkd, i thk its rel net and so do sum of my frn (pal) on the net.

Translation: "Hopefully this isn't locked, I think it's really neat and so do some of my friends on the internet."

it str (bgn, go) in an MSN cnv (tlk log) and it bcm rly fun to thk hrd and typ ur tht (hed, brn, mnd, ide) out wit onl 3 ltr.

Translation: "It started in an MSN convo and it became rally fun to think hard and type your thoughts out with only three letters."

as you can see, I use prn () to exp sum wrd.

Translation: "As you can see, I use parenthesis () to explain some words."

cht (no law) are thn lik brk (not whl, in pec) lng wrd up in seg of 3 ltr.

Translation: "Cheats are things like breaking long words up into segments of three letters." (Like 'tra nsl ati on')

So, I ask you to cnt (kep go) ths trd wit ths lng, dnt wry if u cnt do it at frs, you wil get btr as you red mor.

Translation: "So, I ask you to continue this thread with this language, don't worry if you can't do it at first, you will get better as you read more."

hav fun :) and plz dnt spm or be gay

Translation: "Have fun :) And please don't spam or be gay"

and mod plz be opn mnd (brn, thk)

Translation: "And moderators please be open minded"

Oh, and Im not try to sup (hlp) txt spk, ths is tru mak you thk hrd and use ur hed.

Translation: "Oh, and I'm not trying to support txt speak, this is truely making you think hard and use your head."
hav fun wit ur rpt (wrn, ban)

and you don ned to hav a tns (eng prt)
Ssl, we != wnt a spm thr. It is act (rly) hrd to wri (pen, typ) lik ths and mak sen (log).

Seriously, we're not going about trying to make a spam thread. It's actually an interesting and difficult exercise in trying to get a point across without using large words.
Tis is rly wrd ppl,ggd ide tho

wll dun

This is really weird people, good idea though

Well done
oh cmn, we had a hol cnv (tlk, log) wit ths lng

its not hrd aft a wil
Ths rly ist vry hrd at all. You are all rly sad. Thn agn, i thk in sml wrd mst of the tme
Ikerous said:
Ths rly ist vry hrd at all. You are all rly sad. Thn agn, i thk in sml wrd mst of the tme
yeh, the big wrd get mor int (fun) cuz you hav to use prn ()
Ikerous said:
Ya, im not rly a fan of dng hrd stf
lol are you jkn (laf)? you do stf lik jav and htm all the tim! ths is all lgc (thk, brn)
Tis aly qut fun, not vry hrd at all. Dnt tnk it wll get lkd any tme snn, mod(s) prb fnd it fun. Not mkg muc sns at the mnt. trs will prb mke me snd lik an idt.dmn

Translation: Tis actually quite fun, not very hard at all. Dont think it will get locked any time soon, mods probably fint it fun. Not making much sense at the moment. This will probably make me sound like an idiot. Damn
in bfr lok.

In before lock.

P.s. ths is lme and wil nvr cth (grb, bal) on.
dekstar said:
in bfr lok.

In before lock.

P.s. ths is lme and wil nvr cth (grb, bal) on.
but ur god (not bad) at ths, how can you be neg :(

it dsn hav to cth (grb) on, its jus a trd (frm pst)
lol ify oua llw oul dju stu set hre ele tte rwo dsi two uld all get muc hea sie r.T ypi ngl ike thi sis jus tha rdf ort her ead er.
I fgt for th grt ftl and th bst int of th ntn

Compltely illegible.
15357 said:
I fgt for th grt ftl and th bst int of th ntn

Compltely illegible.

I got it! I think.......

Translation: I forgot for the great for the loss (ftl) and the best ? of the ?

Okay that was dumb
hmm.... perhaps fgt should be fit and ftl should be fld....
wht a std lod of bks.

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