The 4th & 5th Models by Craig P.


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
The 5th Model by Craig P.

Oppinions? I'm nowhere near happy with the shape of the body at the moment, but it's slowly taking shape.

btw this isnt for a Mod, so I'm not concerning myself with polygon count.
The 4th Model by Craig P.

Some of you may remember me asking for Sopwith Camel references a while back? Well.. heres the reason. Another Univerity assignment.

This one is intended for use in game so I have concerend myself with the polygon count (1400) and the game in question is battlefield 1942, not half Life :laugh:

Its only partially skinned / unwrapped and I'm not 100% happy with the model it' self, but heres what I have so far.
Craig, stop posting separate threads for these, Abom's already told you about this, put them in the same thread. Thanks.
Fenric said:
Craig, stop posting separate threads for these, Abom's already told you about this, put them in the same thread. Thanks.

He has? Sorry, I didn't know.
Fenric said:

Oh yeah, sorry. With the deletion of the music forum without properly looking I thought the models & skins forums had been nuked too.

Realised after posting that one that they hadn't and posted the model in the correct forum :$

Edit: Anyways what you all think 2 my models? I'm a noob modeler and can only do basic box / line modeling, so I'm proud of em.
hey craig, long speak :p. youre getting better eh, anyways, the camel looks pretty good, cept the skins a bit low res in areas, maybe wait to put it in BF:V could be cool. im beginng to wish i had finished that mini and let you skin it :rolleyes:. ah well, maybe some time in the future.

the guitar looks pretty sound, cept for the sharp edges in places, soulc have someones eye out with that :P. keep it up, btw what course are you doing at uni ??
random.hero said:
hey craig, long speak :p. youre getting better eh, anyways, the camel looks pretty good, cept the skins a bit low res in areas, maybe wait to put it in BF:V could be cool. im beginng to wish i had finished that mini and let you skin it :rolleyes:. ah well, maybe some time in the future.

the guitar looks pretty sound, cept for the sharp edges in places, soulc have someones eye out with that :P. keep it up, btw what course are you doing at uni ??

Alright m8 :P So you got bored of battlefield too? Yeah the skin is about half done. And I can't quite get the shape of that body right :(
bored of battlefield...yeah, but im thinkin of gettin Vietnam, looks quite cool. i might even try and find that ol' mini model somewhere and finish it. and if your interested, maybe i can find out how in gods name you unwrap things easily in Max 4 :rolleyes: