The 7th Hour



Im here again to tell you, that The 7th Hour a half life 2 modification based off of the 7 hour war between combine and earths forces now has a forums as well as website currently underway. The 7th Hour will take place during the war. Several locations are under consideration, New York City, Los Angeles, London, Berlin, San Francisco, as well as others. Weapons under consideration are the xm-8 smg the xm-8 rifle, the stinger missle system, the beretta 96 sidearm, and more. We are currently in need of members so if your interested head on over to our forumshere. here More information will come out as we get it, so please stay tuned.
DOH OH DAMN YOU! That is my first idea mod is 7th Hours but I guess I will help you for Hammer Map.
Edit: I have membership for 7 hours now
Edit: PM me if you interest at me
I would be extremely interested in helping lead up the design, story, and mechanics side of the game, as well as minor help with textures and mapping.

PM me if you're interested.
Our website should be up before the weekend is over. We now need the community to help carry the mod. If you have any tips/suggestions/comments please post them on our forums. Also if you are a coder,mapper,sound artist, modeler, or offer anything else that could help contribute to the mod please just post in our "joining" forum, with examples of work.
With all these 7 hour mods on the go, why not just merge together and make a 84 hour mod? :p
i know of one other 7 hour mod, and i have searched all over only to keep finding that one. Is it possible to get a link to the other ones?
Also please do not get this confused with all the "combine vs. resistance" mods. IT ISNT. This is military vs. the combine, with a much deeper storyline. and Yes there is a difference between resistance and military.
Dust_0ff said:
Also please do not get this confused with all the "combine vs. resistance" mods. IT ISNT. This is military vs. the combine, with a much deeper storyline. and Yes there is a difference between resistance and military.
Yeah, the others claim that too (since there was no resistance during the 7 hour war anyway so you'd have been silly to use them)

What makes yours the better choice, sell it to the forum.
Well, the military kinda got their asses served to them on a plate by the Combine, or so says one of the extracts from Raising the Bar. It might be hard getting the story right alongside making overly easy for the Combine.

-Angry Lawyer
Looks like I have some new competition :)

Good luck.
and also, your site director, so of course id put my money on your mod. You have far more resouces and connections to the community than I, not to mention skill. However it doesn't mean i'll just give up and stop trying. Also I am interested on the story behind yours.
I suggest you make like Voltron, connect together... make a better mod with your forces combined :)
Could The Seven Hour War overtake WW2 and Terrorism as "the most overused HL2 mod concept ever" ?

I say... perhaps ! :p
as far as i know there are 3 "7 hour war" mods. All those resistance mods arent the 7 hour war, if they mean to be, they arent. As for joining another mod it would really be up to the other leader as well as my co-leader.