The Acronym Game


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
The object:
Someone posts an actual word. This word will act as an acronym for a sentence that should make sense. Whoever answers the ACRONYM first gets to choose the next word.

Example: PINK=penguins in new kilts

Ok lets start: ADMIN

PS. I got this idea from a friend on the forums who got the idea from a guy from the forums.. so yea
A Dude Might Interest Nudests.


Am I gettin the idea?
Come On Neutrino, Understand Nobody Does Rambling Unwieldy Messages

Advanced Design Might Interest Real Engineers.


edit: yes neutrino.. yes i did.. good boy :)
edit2: damnit, you've already started the travesty!
edit3: muahaha, my indomitable influence pervades the thread!
Acknowledge Defeat, My Ingeniousness Rivals Einstein's.

Edit: Dangit. You just had to post a few seconds ahead of me didn't you? I'll just delete my word.

Edit#2: Crap, sorry guys. Falconwind saves the day though.
Although Deadly, Robots Only Interpret Tasks
Although Discerning, Readers Only Interpret Text

Noooo... oh well, I guess this doesn't count... :(
Great, Every Mother****er Is Now Interested

what happened neutrino?


edit: yes.. yes you did falconwind :imu:
Vivisect.... I brought this on myself didn't I? :p

Edit: Sorry, I'm really stumped this time.
Edit 2: Guess I spoke too soon. It doesn't count though.
Villainy Infects Virtually Impregnable Societies, Even Civilizations Today.


Timmy, oh I screwed up my post above. I was being stupid and misspelled a word.

Edit: Ya, I know I'm stretching it a bit with my above sentence structure, but I was getting desperate.
Edit2: Hmm, this is an interesting thread...having to talk to everyone in edits. Nice one anyway, falconwind. That was a tough one.
Vocabulary Is Vitally Important, Since Education Conveys Thoughts

edit: aw, dang... Interesting sentence, Neutrino.
Can Reporters Often Offer Known Ersatz Documents?


edit: yeah, it's fun to talk in edits :) vivisect was hard, you guys are good :eek:
edit2: oh come on, if you can get vivisect you can get executed..
Crime Reveals Often Other Kleptomanial Effusive Disposition.

Edit: boy am i late... :p
Edit2: I like mine better, Timmy. :D
Whatever Happens, Eat Well!

... it will return

(goodnight guys ;) this should be a fun thread to check tomorrow)

edit: crap, well i forfeit my previous solution and suggestion, and follow on falconwind's "WHEW".. goodnight!

edit2: re-edit WHEW back in falcon, for continuity's sake!

edit3: man.. "effusive disposition"? ok, if you say so..
Electrofied Xenon Emits Colourful Ultraviolet, That Exterminates Disease.

ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPH... hehe, just kidding.

-----> real word = ERRANT

Edit: btw, I have no idea if that's true. Probably not.
Edit 2: Oh man, now it's all messed up. Well, I'm sure people will choose the easier one. Zeitgeist? Jeez, we want people to play, don't we?
Eagles Rarely Roost At Night, True?


edit: ok, we're back on schedule, and NOW i'm going to bed, yay!
edit2: yeah, we want others to play, but there has to be a cover charge to keep the riff-raff out :devil:
Zoos Elicit Ideas That Give Every Infant Sunny Thoughts.


Well, I'm glad we got that sorted out. Oh and my answer for EXECUTED was "Every Xenophobe Expects Criticism Under The Elected Democracy." But nooo, ya just had to beat me to it didn't you? :p

Edit: Does this mean I'm not riffraff? Yay! :bounce:
Simple Kinetics Involve Interactions, Not Gravity.


edit: yeah, it's long, but it should be fun :)
oh and, i'm really leaving now! lol
Throughout Hours Of Rigorous Outings Under Garden Hills, Gnomes Often Initiate Nightly Games.


Well, that was the best I could do. I'm off to bed as well. I have a bad feeling about this steady escalation:E ....should be interesting to read this tomorrow.

Edit: Hehe, beat ya to it this time. :) Nah, I say we both get credit as that was a tough one.
Edit2:Ya, perhaps we should try to cut down the length a little in the future. However, I'm leaving "differentiation" since others must suffer the pain that we went throught with "thoroughgoing" :devil:
The Hearts Of Russia Only Unveil Government Handicaps; Gorbachev Obliged Internal Negligence Galore

Edit: NOOOOOO..... oh well. At least I'm not riff-raff. yay.
Edit 2: I've been trying to stem the tide of long words, but I've been too slow... I blame myself. Anyway, I'm off. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Do It For Fun, Enabling Rare Events, Never Taking Immitations, Always Teaching Innocence Of Naturalism.


yeah, it's comma splicing, but it makes at lest as much sense as some other solutions in this thread :). ok, well, i think i'm going to step out of this thread for a while.. too consuming :|. after my last word, zombie should be a welcome change :)
The Whores Are Terrific


Edit: Wow this thread has come along way... you guys are insane with the word choosing though hahaha.
ZENITH = Zebras Eat Nothing In The House

Chicken = Choose How I Can Kill Everyones Nympho

... ok yea so that is gay but PFFT I winS!!!!!

Classy ladies always swallow, surely in china?!?

Pesky Underground Rodents Populate Little Enclaves


Edit: Heh, stretching it a little aren't we, Gojin.
Post Under Real Pseudonyms? Logical Enigma

<No word, above poster beat me>

Edit: I'm not good at word games :(
Perhaps Rendering Our Xeric Ingots Might Appease


(that's what you get for using an X :devil:)
Maybe I Should Stop Insisting Someone Should Impose Particular Phrases Imperiously


Edit: Yes, that's what I get... :rolling: I'm off for lunch now.
My Igloo Stands Sideways In Subtilely Sticky Ice Pleasntly Picked Incase. :sick:

Grrr.... all that effort and some one beat me to it. :slightlypissedoff:
So Often Jobs Only Undercut Recreation, No?


(SLH, that's why i usually pick long words :devil:)
Zebras Aren't Xeromorphs.


Edit: I know, I kinda forgot something :p
nevermind :)

Call Her Every Evening Soon Eh?

edit: crap i did it too!

