The Ali G show...


Jul 9, 2003
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Anyone a fan of the Ali G show on HBO? He has a shit load of DVD movies just wonderin whos a fan and what is your favorite skit (if you wanna call it that) from his show. Mine is when he is interviewing one of the astronauts from the first trip to the moon and calls him buzz lightyear lol! The look on the guy's face is priceless!
That show is funny as hell, though I never remember to watch it. I love the arab reporter character the most.
Yea the reporter is pretty damn funny, its not on anymore sadly (inless there is a new season comin donno though) but if you want the original shows your going to have to buy them or aquire them in another way...
Good god, you Americans are only just getting Ali G? He's been a cult icon in Europe for years now..

And there won't be a new series. This is because he can't interview anyone without them knowing who he is (therefore defeating the point and ruining the comedic value).
Originally posted by CheapAssStrat
I love the arab reporter character the most.
yeah, Borat from Kazakstan is funny as hell! :cheese:

So, you americanos just got Ali G? That's a bit late isn't it?
Ah well, make sure you enjoy it!:cheers:
yeah ali g has been around for about 3-4 years in the uk, I remember when he started out on the 11 o clock show.
U yanks seen avid merion over there yet? he's going big over here atm and should be big over there soon i think.
Iv done a dvd image of the dvd (1st series) here's a link.

This is a dvd image so u need a dvd burner.

yeah but you guys dont have all of the first rate programs over there like

survivor,fear factor and joe millionaire :dozey: :x :x :x :x
Originally posted by crabcakes66
yeah but you guys dont have all of the first rate programs over there like

survivor,fear factor and joe millionaire :dozey: :x :x :x :x

lmao...goooo "reality" tv.

reality isn't really reality when they shove cameras in everyone's faces.