The amplified bible, Bigger breasts through witchcraft and other tales

Rant III is brilliant,bitching about reality TV.. im almost crying at the metal chairs tied up to the heating and turned up over 32 hours bit lol!
Just watched the tech support one, it should be dedicated to Chris_D and anyone else who's had to work in tech support, some of the best lines lol.
The Dark Elf said:
Just watched the tech support one, it should be dedicated to Chris_D and anyone else who's had to work in tech support, some of the best lines lol.

Thats my fav. video there ;D
Bad^Hat said:
God bless that Elf :angel:
teeheehee. My jaw ache's after I watched them all. The Rant ones were so funny, the jiggly butt cracked me up. Can't wait to see more.

We need someone on these forums to do something similar based on the forum users (no not the hl2 comic thing) something like these, a good cartoonist with a good sense of humor and a talent for flash animations. I'd love to see something like that.
When I saw the name of the thread I thought it was one of those really wierd links to people to who honestly think they can use witchcraft.
hey guys thats some nice stuff btw Absinthe can u please change ur nick its quite offensive .
/me looks at Absinthe's name and ponders.
Danimal said:
When I saw the name of the thread I thought it was one of those really wierd links to people to who honestly think they can use witchcraft.
well Wicca is quite real, there's just two versions (as basically explained in that vid)

one that the teenies go with and think is real

one thats serious and has nothing to do with using spells to make their boybands fall in love with them

but the making bigger breasts through witchcraft is quite real. ;)
I remember watching a show about how to increase your chances of winning in gambling. One of them was witchcraft, they got three different woman to have their hand at the slots, and the wiccan owned up royally :D
mindless_moder said:
hey guys thats some nice stuff btw Absinthe can u please change ur nick its quite offensive .
Oh please, here we go...
The Dark Elf said:
well Wicca is quite real, there's just two versions (as basically explained in that vid)

one that the teenies go with and think is real

one thats serious and has nothing to do with using spells to make their boybands fall in love with them

I knew that, there is this goth girl I knew who is now on suicidal watch for playing with knives. She believed in that fake wicken and scared the crap out of this girl who is into the whole "Whatever, talk to the hand" routine.
That was very funny, looking at there site now.
Just saying that name makes me want to puke on my cat... But I can't, as I have no cat. :(
Now that I think about it I think this dude meant his sig. I could see how someone could like find that offensive.
I thought he meant the sig at first and re-read the post and it said 'nick'. Time will tell...
Absinthe in a green alcoholic beverage.. how is that offensive?
lol, my brother says Absinthe makes him hallucinate O_o
Danimal said:
lol, my brother says Absinthe makes him hallucinate O_o
Yea.. it does.. its uuuuber alcohol...

I still dont see the offensive part though :-/
He said it was 70% alcohol or something like that.
Danimal said:
lol, my brother says Absinthe makes him hallucinate O_o

It does that's what its famous for, I tried some but I found out the kid made it himself so I stopped. (If you make it wrong it contains methonal (wood alcohol) instead of ethanol(grain alcohol) and methanol makes you go blind, seriously)

Danimal said:
He said it was 70% alcohol or something like that.
Its more the ingredients than the alcohol