The awesomest idea for BF2


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Tonight i played in a 'Royal Rumble' of all the New Zealand clans, each with a squad of 6, playing on a 64 player Karkand server. Each clan puts foward a squad and the two teams duke it out in one hell of an intense battle. It was nigh on the most fun ive had playing BF2, even though the best i did was a bronze medal- it was real intense.

Isuggest you UK or US guys organise something like this, im sure could field a squad of 6, and so could man other clans. Its great fun.
That would be really sweet, not sure who would organise it though. Maybe EnenmyDown could set it up, who knows?
I know I'm not in a clan, I must not be good enough :(
So you guys just take turns fighting each other?

...yea-that sounds like a blast.
Well you dont have to be clan players lol, you just have to organise a squad of 6. And no, you dont take turns, its pretty much just like a 64 player public server, but with heaps of squads of good teamwork players.