The bastard confessed!


Jul 30, 2003
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Bush's confession:

you realise this is a work of satire?

it's funny though because there's a 99% chance that it's exactly true.
Awwww...I thought it was about Michael Jackson
«And I have a message for the people of Iraq:
Go home and die.»

I was ROFL when I said that.
sure it's old (wasn't it on these forums before?), but it's still funny :) a nice splicing job too. i need to be innoculated against balistic airports. some of the lines are just too close to the probable truth..

"we are building a culture to encourage international terrorism" :|
haha hilarious. like timmy said, nice splicing job. "Go home and die"
waedoe said:
back up your thinking. "HES A DICK" means nothing but your ignorance

Normally, I'd ask for support too, but he is a dick, and you don't need to breach the 10-character limit either.
OMG, that is SSOO funny! I've never seen it but it's got my thumbs up :thumbs:
Xcellent splicing.
LMFAO, that video was awesome. Bush IS A Dick!!! Lets Get Him Out Of Office Shall We?
If it wasn't for Bush and the U.S. all of Europe would be in the clutches of Saddam right now.
"I have sent you a comprehensive energy plan to devastate communities. kill wildlife, and burn away millions of acres of treasured forest."
"today we have arrested or otherwise dealt with 400 billion key commanders of alquida (?) who were enlisting tens of thousands of new volenteers across america."
"secretary of state powell, will plant information to incite fear about iraqs links to terrorist groups."
fizzlephox said:
If it wasn't for Bush and the U.S. all of Europe would be in the clutches of Saddam right now.

You can't seriously belive that.
that was a joke, surely, everyone now knows saddam didnt have a single cemical or otherway illegal weapon in operative condition. fact is , the only cemical weapons he had, was the ones he bought cemicals for from rumsfeld when the war against iran was ongoing.

i guess we other contryes in the world are just envyous of the american weaponsales. afterall who else can brag about selling cemicals for skingas to saddam, and nuklear reactors to north korea?
go usa, making the world a better place.....
fizzlephox said:
If it wasn't for Bush and the U.S. all of Europe would be in the clutches of Saddam right now.

that's so funny. nurse my sides.

i dunno whether this will be taken in bad taste or not, but i heard this a while back and i thought it was kind of apt for how the reality is: "US soldiers write things like 'up yours' and 'die!' on cruise missiles which they then drop on Iraq, but what do Iraqi missiles have written on them when they fire them at US citizens? 'Made in America.' "

very apt indeed.
lol that is funny..

and Jeeesh, why doesnt he just add that hes planning to build a 40 million dollar Oil pipeline from the Caspean sea now hes got into Iraq and ceased the oil fields, he wants more oil., its the truth. Thats what the most important thing is here . for him and his fat cat, oil buddy's. No matter what people seem to think the line draws towards him (the people behind him) decieving the people so he can develop America's stand in world energy. afterall thats the stuff 'all of us' need to keep living our luxury lifestyles right now :rolleyes: lol