The best laugh you've ever had?


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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Okay, describe the funniest thing you've ever seen/experienced.

I have two things come to mind the first being back when I was 14 and we were doing a drama performance for the first years, and then doing drama workshops for them.

Well we did it, but then the workshops were crazy. None of the kids were doing anything we were telling them too they started fighting running around, the place was utter chaos. Then I turned around to see my freind running around with his arms flailing and shouting 'ahhhhhhhhhh' but in a playful way. It was absolutely hilairious becuase it mirrored the chaos of everything and I laughed for about a week.

The other possibly more funnier time was a year later in school, we used to do the standard 'ur mum' jokes with each other, then one lad in out form, he said 'ur mum' so my mate said 'ur dad' and he said "my dads dead' and looked really upset, but then it turned out later he was joking. So this caught on and people kept saying 'ur mum' 'my mums dead', sounds kinda sick but it was fun.

Anyway, I said your mum to some lad, and he said 'my mums dead' as was the joke, but then I said 'I'd laugh if she actually was and you didn't know'. Oh my that was hilarious, I'd just crossed the line and everyone knew it, and thats what made it so hilarious.

Your turn.
Ouch. Thread streaching images FTL.

Well I'm sure it's not "the best laugh I've ever had" one story does come to mind.

It was during lunch at high school and we were just talking shit about the saying "big shoes big dick".
Anyway this one guy, who had obviously never heard that saying, totally misread what we were
talking about and chimed in bragging, "Well I've got small shoes so ha!".

The only thing that really stands out at the moment is playing Whose Line is it Anyway in Drama.
I was watching the top 100 cartoons a month ago and tom and jerry came on. I didn't expect to laugh so much that I was quite literally paralysed in my chair. They played tom getting hurt and him letting out that trademark howl over and over again and I couldn't stop laughing. For about 10 minutes everytime I thought of it I went into laughter paralysis. It was awesome :D
Dude, some Tom and Jerry episodes are insane-funny. There was one where he was hitting on the girl cat and playing the bass - I think I pulled a muscle.
this one video of a kid sitting down eating a sandwhich on a rock..or playing cards or something then OUT OF NOWHERE some stupid fat-ass kid cam running down and BASHED the poor kid in the head with a couldn't breathe, i was crying and howling like i was possessed for honestly 20 minutes...omg it was soo damn fact i'llpost it in the video thread right now! :D
At work, making this guy laugh so hard he puked.

THAT was funny.
Bachelorette No. 1, what is your idea of a perfect date?

First of all, I would push you to the ground, pee on you chanting "House on fire, house on fire, put it out, put it out." Then I would force you to drink antifreeze until you passed out. And then you would wake up in excruciating pain with a size 7 poop chute.
Bachelorette No. 1, what is your idea of a perfect date?

First of all, I would push you to the ground, pee on you chanting "House on fire, house on fire, put it out, put it out." Then I would force you to drink antifreeze until you passed out. And then you would wake up in excruciating pain with a size 7 poop chute.

OK I think that visual took the cake. hahaha
Me and some friends sitting on a couch coming up with ways old people could die, a lot of falling down stairs and such, it was so horrible I couldn't help but laugh
The last time I had a really great laugh, was back a couple months ago, playing Soul Calibur 3. I was creating a character with my cousins... and I crossed this one hairdo, that made my masculine man look completely feminine and dressed in a sort of drag. The hairstyle was old looking, and it apparently was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing for at least fifteen minutes. Every time I would stop, I'd have to start up again. It was really a stupid reason to laugh so hard... but man, when you get struck in that funny bone, sometimes even the littlest things will set you off.
I remember once I rofled so hard that milk shot out my nose!
Aha, just remembered something.

I was in Vent with a group of online friends (my "guild") and we were playing Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 (an RTS, with an extra element of control like a third person shooter).

We were just messing around, doing things sorta like roleplaying. My team mate and Ritek's team mate (on the other team) were just battling eachother one one side of the map, while Ritek and I were doing all this stuff like military negotiations. Ritek was leading the show pretty much, he is absolutely hilarious. "It seems each of our team mates are engaged in battle, I'm looking to resolve this conflict" shit like that, not really funny in text but the way he was talking, it was just hilarious. We would meet up in this one spot by driving cars to the spot and getting out, with some troops or snipers hidden away incase the meeting went sour and it was an assassination attempt. (This game is fantastic for fun roleplaying like this, you can buy whatever vehicle you want and each troop can carry whatever items, and get in any vehicle, all that sort of stuff)

Then we had a meeting in a swampy area. I drove up my car, and he was on foot. I did not have any troops or snipers to watch my back, because the last meeting I had I had laid mines on the bridge we met on, and that was absolutely hilarious. So we both agreed not to have any additional troops.

I stayed in my car and Ritek began blabbering on about misc war/peace talk and stuff, and I knew something was up because he sounded like he was doing something else while talking. Suddenly I notice one of my tires is flat. I'm thinking "What the hell? He must have shot it" So I knew something was up then. I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to see where he was going with this. As we continue to talk, I somehow fit in "By the way, if anything goes wrong in this meeting, I've got 3 rocket artillery ready to blow this whole area to smithereens."

I was actually bluffing, but he didn't want to risk letting his officer die, so this is where the real funny stuff begins... Before I continue, I want to note that when you're in a vehicle, your line of sight is a cone in front of you. However, if someone is right next to your vehicle, you can see them. Ritek did not know this. In fear of being bombarded with my rockets, he sent a troop with a repair kit to fix the tire without me finding out! I suddenly see the guy fixing my wheel, ALL the while Ritek is talking and talking about random war/peace stuff, trying to pretend nothing is going on. I'm laughing my ass off, hardly able to see the screen with the amount of moving and tears in my eyes... After the meeting was over and I was driving away, I was trying to tell Ritek that I saw the whole thing, but everytime I started talking I'd burst out laughing again. It was endless, and it must have taken a full 20 minutes before I could get the message out.

Some of my best and most enjoyed times have been playing that game with them. I'll never forget them or the memories.

This post probably isn't as funny as my memory of it is, but oh well.
I don't know. Lots of stuff.

Whose Line is it Anyway (pretty much any episode) And the Do Not Laugh thread (capitalized) take the cake for recent years.
this one time i was playing Css with my clan and there was a hacker and he was shooting through walls and whatnot but i eventually got behind him and knifed him then he called me a hack and he left, i lol'd for a loonngg time
The Gabbleh stuff that went on, the /B/acon Incident, Most other stuff that went/goes on here, and the time me and my cousin ran through Wal - Mart with a bunch of blow horns yelling "LET'S GET DANGEROUS!". Those security guards could never catch up.
There is this one guy in my physics class that we constantly make fun of. The last day before christmas break he needed to go to the bathroom. While he was out, a group near me was talking about how he was back with this girl that he had said before looked like a horse(to her face I believe). Our class got the idea to draw a massive picture of a human/horse hybrid and a small stick figure saying "its time for your grooming" on the front board. When he came back he just stood in front of the whiteboard for a good 3 minutes speechless. :LOL:
this one video of a kid sitting down eating a sandwhich on a rock..or playing cards or something then OUT OF NOWHERE some stupid fat-ass kid cam running down and BASHED the poor kid in the head with a couldn't breathe, i was crying and howling like i was possessed for honestly 20 minutes...omg it was soo damn fact i'llpost it in the video thread right now! :D
Thanks for that, by the way. Just caught it before and remembered it was one of mine awhile back. All of about 100 times I watched it, straight in a row, before the funny wore off and I could breathe again :D

Besides that, this one Mad TV sketch that I finally found a little while ago... I'll post that to the video thread aswell. Was watching it with my family and we were all in hysterics.

Also, this flash animation. The first time I watched it with friends I was in painful fits of laughter. My chest felt like it was caving in on my lungs. I couldn't breathe for laughing so much, but every time I tried to stop something would set me off again... I think I was actually afraid for my life at one point.

Oh, and more recently the one in the video thread of the stupidest burglar ever. That was one of those "thanks, it was 3am and now I'm getting yelled at" incidents :)

nuf said:E
The best laugh I've had recently was when I saw Borat, the movie.
Very drunk, very high, and throwing marshmellows at my friends heads.

The sound...oh jesus...we laughed so hard, for about an hour.