The best solution for sore calluses?


Jul 25, 2007
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I've had one small callus in the middle of each foot for nearly two weeks now hoping they would just go away, but to no avail. At first I though they might be plantar warts, but if that were true, then other people in the household would have them too as they are contagious.

I've tried cutting them off, but that only helps some and they just grow back over time. It's pretty sore whenever I go jogging and such, so it's a real pain in the arse.

Anybody have some kind of remedy that doesn't involve forking money over to a dermatologist?
Yeah.... My dad has a bunch of those. Try soaking them in water, and then file them off.
Such a lovely thread.

You sound like my mum Saturos.

Anyway, get one of them foot files as Taco said.

EDIT: ALSO what Lefty said