The Boondocks.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Anyone watch this show on Teletoon (the channel)?

It's a black show, meaning that everyone in the show is black, and it is really cool, although if your going to watch it, be advised that they say the "N" word ALOT in this show.

It's about these 2 kids and their grandpa. Huey, one of the kids knows martial arts and swordplay and stuff. Riley, another one of the kids is there for alot of humor. Grandad, is their guardian who lives with them and the father from the movies "Friday" "Next Friday" and "Firday After Next" plays his voice.

It is anime style, but don't let that throw you off, this show is really funny, and deals with alot of stereotypes, it's on teletoon a 9:00PM eastern time, and 12:30PM.

If you ever see it on, watch it. It is funny.
I dunno what Teletoon is, but I've seen all the Boondocks. Awesome show. It's hilarious, nyukka.
I have to download these eps for my ipod ; I usually miss them on C net
The Boondocks is a great show, I usually watch it on Adult Swim ... besides Family Guy and Futurama it's the only decent thing on that channel.