The Brit Awards


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Go The Fratellis!! Definitely deserved Best Newcomer Award, glad to see them get noticed by the British public for their sheer brilliance. Hell their album has been pretty much in the top 5-10, with a few weeks at number one, since its release in mid-end of 2006! (august i THINK)

Best band the UK has produced since Oasis imo. Chelsea Dagger = catchy-est song of the last couple of years in rock:


And lets not forget Henrietta!! :


Im a huge fan of Oasis...but god theyre such **cks. Liam - stop swearing on live TV you dosy **ick and sort yourself out. I didnt even think their performance was that good at the end...ahem. But they definitely deserved the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Discuss...if you watched it that is hehe.
That song is so damn poppy, but I like it anyway... I must be going soft :|
twas bollocks, artic monkeys won two awards, i have seen them live and they were really, really bad, and the eight people i went with agreed whole heartidly.

Agree that Oasis are one of the top bands of all time, from my very own Manchester! xD

Was watching the Arsenal vs. Bolton match mainly though :D
Don't like them at all. British music is lame. None of the bands have anything decent to say in their songs. Mostly they're just about some ex-girlfriend. ZZZzzz.