The "Bulletproof Monk" effect

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Do you ever have those days when you think "****, I can't do this. There's no way. **** me. ****."? Sure you do.

But do you ever have those mornings where you wake up and think "You know, I can do this. I'm going to take care of this and solve my problems today, and nothing is going to stop me. I feel good. I want to do this."?

Of course. Maybe not. Who knows. Whatever it is, you feel like you're 10 foot tall and bulletproof.

Calhoun is a far better person than I could ever hope to be. Also cocks.
Ever since I read "I am America, and so can you" I've woken up every morning doing this:

Did Calhoun get cancer or something?
Bulletproof Monk was a shitty movie and it makes me sad to see Chow Yun Fat playing such shitty roles.

But at least you can always have a hot dog.
I have those kind of mornings. I call them "wake up before noon" days.
I liked Bulletproof Monk. It was a good action film. And yeah sometimes I have days where I can do absolutely anything, but they're rather rare. Every other day is just average. I tend not to get very bad days, just days when I didn't do as much as I had wanted.
What does this meaaaaaaaaan
It means I enjoyed it for the movie it was trying to be :p. Special effects with a decent-ish story-line. Very Americanised kung-fu flick.
I want to watch it again now.
No, I haven't woken up feeling that amazing in months. The winter season always gets me a bit down, in fact. :'-( More like Cajun Style.
i wake up, hate life, get out of bed, hate life even more, get in the shower, hate life a tad less because i'm warm, get out of the shower and wish I was dead because it's freezing, go back into my room and get dressed and then I drive to work....hating life

but then i get high after work, take a decent shit, and enjoy life
It's called being a Determinator
I've tried out hyperoptemism lately, and it's really nice.
In the mornings, however, I don't feel good or bad. I'm more concentrating on scraping together what little energy I can find.
The optemism is really good during video games. You really enjoy every minor victory you get, and you always remember what you're there for. Fun. If for a minute you realise you aren't getting this, I stop playing. Happiness continues.
Sleeping in is a big waste of time in my mind. Time is precious when you work from the afternoon to the night. I try to get up as early and fit as much shit in as I can.