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"One problem is all science is patronized, that is, ... somebody has to pay the bills.... The bureaucracy in science that controls the money flow, what money shall be spent and what it shall be spent for controls all of science. What people do not realize is science is not free at all in this country -- it is highly constricted. There are plenty of bright, young Ph.D.s that would love to work on this kind of thing, but the scientific community will not allow them because the bureaucracy will not give them any funds. And if they try to work on their own in this area they get destroyed, pure and simple.
"...The other thing is scientists like to glorify themselves, but they form a distribution just like any other group of people. The broad in the middle are people just like you and I doing a special job. They're no better, no worse. There's a small percentage of them that are angelic almost. They are really the epitome of the scientists. There is also a small group on the bottom, the end of it, the bottom 11% that are nearly devils, and they are manipulative and they try to rise and control everything, and they are interested only in the big money game, who's got the money, who controls. Governments of the world have been made beasts of burden for large control interests anyway, not just one, but all kinds of control interests... And so what you have is all these competing interests using power, influence and money, and all buying everything. And that's what controls what science works on. That's why you don't get free energy. Free energy can be done anytime anybody wants to spend a little money. It's slowly being done anyway."
Thomas Bearden quoted on Scalar wave technologies, whome some call the Tesla of our time. < rest of the article here
Scalar energy conversion devices (ZPE) replicated from Tom Bearden's origional patent:,
Ive no doubt about the truth of the implications there are many people behind Bearden.. but how do you feel about it.. If you dont care. please x2, dont bother posting
Also noteably important...
Not long ago I read a stimulating and disturbing book by Zygmunt Bauman entitled Modernity and the Holocaust. It is an analysis of the Holocaust -- the mass extermination of Jews and other peoples by the Nazis -- and how it relates to social institutions in modern society. Bauman believes that the Holocaust has profound implications for our understanding of society, but its study has been relegated to a few specialist areas.
The term "modernity" refers to characteristics of society that have developed only in the past few hundred years, including bureaucracy, rationality, science and, more generally, the separation of ends from means. For example, some scientists may work on solving particular puzzles involving reaction rates that are important for modelling the dynamics of nuclear explosions. The scientists work on the way to solve the problem, namely the means. The government and weapons lab administrators decide how to use the research, namely the ends.
Bauman's argument is that bureaucratic rationality was one of the essential factors that made the Holocaust possible. Hitler's goal was to remove the Jews. Various means were tried, such as emigration, but when these failed extermination was the "logical" conclusion, given the premise. The efficient and compliant German bureaucracies carried out the required tasks to reach the "final solution".
comments by Brian Martin on a book by Zygmunt Bauman entitled Modernity and the Holocaust
-personnally im not happy with it, how to coin the phraise,, umm. 'this is one heck of a pickle were in' the very essence of it often undermines the intial intent and human sensibility, and can often prove dangerous to oppose the system with strong opinion's, its the constant ticking time bomb.
the annoying thing is.. if forced enough , scalar wave technologies can be made available and help to superceed the problem by creating more energy independant society's, creating more abundance,, improving the overall quality of human life, and in my mind thats the means and the end, not for personal gain but for upholding moral's and the feel good factor, doing the right thing and benifiting from it.