The Calm Before the Storm


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
I've seen on the news how Halo 2 sold $100million in one day and how HUGE lines were in stores on midnight to get the game. I'm just curious, will HL2 be this and more? Or this happens only with console games?
I don't think we'll see the same kind of reaction with HL2.
Console games just have such a bigger market.
dkelly said:
I don't think we'll see the same kind of reaction with HL2.
Console games just have such a bigger market.

Yep. Who cares who likes it, as long as you like it.
noone could tell now, and why would it only be with console games? I remember back in 98.. or was it 99 ? when diablo II was realeased (pc game) the lines where HUGE when the stores opened ( 12 am ) :p so why not HL 2?
Yah,. first day sales wont be as huge,.

However, HL2 should stand the test of time much better then Halo 2,. and will do well by word of mouth. Over time, I'm sure HL2 will sell more then Halo 2.
aha... i thought this was another... "where's all the hype gone... Calm before the Storm" threads...... hm..... how wrong i was
ELIXIR said:
I've seen on the news how Halo 2 sold $100million in one day and how HUGE lines were in stores on midnight to get the game. I'm just curious, will HL2 be this and more? Or this happens only with console games?
Only with console games. They are a much bigger market then PC games.
iamaelephant said:
This makes the news in USA?
Yeah, US News papers and news stations where all talking about halo 2. G4Techtv (a video game and technology station) had a whole day just about Halo 2. Man from all this Hype and the way Halo 2 turned out I really think the Sh*t is going to hit the fan.
I woulda thought hl2 would get a bigger first day sale seeing as its a simultaneous release world wide whereas halo 2 hasnt even come out here yet. Unless they're gonna add to the two launch days for halo 2 together or something.
I think HL2 is going to have a similar following, although it'll be slightly less obvious, and there'll be less press coverage.

PC games never get the same coverage as console games, as the media kiddies just aren't as interested. They still think PC games are for geeks, where as consoles are now 'cool'.
czrsink said:
I think HL2 is going to have a similar following, although it'll be slightly less obvious, and there'll be less press coverage.

PC games never get the same coverage as console games, as the media kiddies just aren't as interested. They still think PC games are for geeks, where as consoles are now 'cool'.

Media kiddies? I watch the news, am I a "media kiddy"?
I thought I read somewhere that HL2 has already sold 2 million copies. That's not bad, by a long shot. And then it will probably continue to sell for a while after it's released. So I think HL2 will do almost as well as Halo, in terms of revenue, very soon.
I don't think Halo 2 could even touch San Andreas with a 10 foot long pole.
ELIXIR said:
I've seen on the news how Halo 2 sold $100million in one day and how HUGE lines were in stores on midnight to get the game. I'm just curious, will HL2 be this and more? Or this happens only with console games?

And does anyone care? Look, if you aren't going to buy HL2 because Halo 2 is more popular... then DON'T! It's that simple!
Nah, there isnt enough HL2 advertising to tell people when its in store. Once people know its out there they'll get it after a couple of days, but not the moment they hear it.
ELIXIR said:
I've seen on the news how Halo 2 sold $100million in one day and how HUGE lines were in stores on midnight to get the game. I'm just curious, will HL2 be this and more? Or this happens only with console games?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: I hope they were wearing fleeces to keep them warm. They should be thankful that it isn't snowing or raining (perhaps)