The Combine Strikes Back?


Space Core
Aug 16, 2006
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Well from looking at the trailers, and knowing that main characters will be killed in the next episode, could Valve be looking at the Star Wars concept of a hard blow struck at the resistance from the heart of the Combine. I mean its vaguely followed it so far, with Half-Life 2 being seen as the resistance kicking the living crap out of the Combine and winning the Battle of City 17, also the (possible) death of Dr. Breen. Episode 1 has seen the destruction of the Citadel, the heart of all control in City 17. All these actions have stuck a a large blow at the Combine, just the Rebels did when destroying the Death Star in Episode 4.

I believe the only reason the Combine were beaten badly at City 17 was because they were simply outnumbered and were taken completely by suprise with the unknown arrival of Freeman. I think now the Combine realize the resistance's strengths and weaknesses and will be a lot more prepared this time, I mean we are talking about the forces to which destroyed the world's armies within 7 hours. I think we will see the Combine strike back HARD at the resistance in EP2.

Your thoughts?
Valve recently likened this episodic trilogy to various film trilogies including Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, claiming it is the dark central chapter. Personally I thought Episode 1 was dark what with Stalkers and the general darkness of the whole place. Episode 2 looks quite light and fluffy by comparison. Even the Antlions have nice bioluminesence.
I haven't played Half-life: Episode one yet (waiting for ep2), but from what I herd, didn't the destruction of the citadel leave the combines on earth stranded?

Im asmuming in episode two or three, youll have to stop the combine from reestablishing communication to the combine empire.
Breen: No, Gordon, I AM your father!

I think the fight now will be to block the combine from returning to earth somehow, while trying to push through the combine forces on earth, which CAN be beaten by the resistance.
You're not one of those people who heard people say that Episode 1 was too short so you're not going to buy it? If that is your attitude, you don't deserve to play Episode 2 because it's going to be only slightly longer.

If you are planning on buying both together or something, then I envy you playing so many glorious hours of Half Life all in one go.
I disagree. It has been said in many interviews that the Combine forces are in complete disarray with the communications system out and all Overwatch forces on Earth stranded. The remains of the sector 17 Overwatch are fleeing in all directions within the wasteland, probably heading towards the nearest City and the forces there are probably more focused on getting that connection up.

The reason they were beaten in C17 was mainly because of the Overwatch. Over the two decades of the occupation the Combine adjusted the forces on Earth to suit the planet. Essentially, the resistance were fighting beefed up humans and managed to push them back to the base of the Citadel. It is highly likely that once the connection is back up the Combine will strike with a force even greater than that which they came with.

In Episode 2 I expect to see the Combine at their worst.
I wonder how the other cities are holding up?

In Episode 2 I expect to see the Combine at their worst.
at their worst? You have to be kidding me. They can now throw back gernades!
I think once word of the rebellion gets out, and that the Combine can't call in any off-world reinforcements other cities will start to see the same uprising that occurred in C17.

Surely a revolution for the Overwatch. :p
Yeah definately, I think since now that the City 17 Citadel is now destroyed, taking all of City 17 with it, then that word will obviously be heard of all over the place. I would like to see in EP2 as you go around, things like hearing citizens talking about events elsewhere, like people in other cities are starting to rebel etc.
Yeah definately, I think since now that the City 17 Citadel is now destroyed, taking all of City 17 with it, then that word will obviously be heard of all over the place. I would like to see in EP2 as you go around, things like hearing citizens talking about events elsewhere, like people in other cities are starting to rebel etc.

And Docter Kleiners little broadcasts he promised.
I'm sure there's already been revolutions in the other cities since Episode One. I mean, you can see all that dark matter material and the explosion for miles.
And the Dark energy flare at the end. It would be very difficult to not see that. :p
Yup, I mean you can see the Citadel in the cities for miles, but you will see it even further when the entire thing explodes like it did at the end of Episode 1, I dont think Gordon or Alyx will ever witness an explosion like that again, I had my speakers on almost full blast when it did it, almost blew me off my chair lmao
Is Kleiner's broadcast going to all cities? Or do other cities just have a peculiar lack of the Breen Show. :(
They proboaly have Breen's show. With Jugglers.
But they''ve proboaly been silencing him like the dudes in City 17.
Is Kleiner's broadcast going to all cities? Or do other cities just have a peculiar lack of the Breen Show. :(

Maybe the broadcast went to all cities, but when the citadel exploded all other cities were cut off from 17 and the resistance moved to the country side to establish a new communications hub.
Or the rocket Kliener is sending up could be a communications satellite
I loved the empire strikes Starwars movie ever...
Maybe because Evil wins...Muhahaha...

If this is the mood Valve is aiming for for EP2 than this will be the best game ever, Woot woot

.....untill Ep3 comes out ;)
I loved the empire strikes Starwars movie ever...
Maybe because Evil wins...Muhahaha...

If this is the mood Valve is aiming for for EP2 than this will be the best game ever, Woot woot

.....untill Ep3 comes out ;)

I think evil prevailed in all HLs till now
I think evil prevailed in all HLs till now

Evil is pretty much still prevailing in Episode 2. Episode 1 is practically the only stage in the whole of the Half Life series so far where it seems as if your actions had a positive cause. Episode 2 will go to show that the Combine aren't just localised in that single City. (I know we knew that anyway) But it will show they have a complete grasp of humanity.
Exactly, and like you mentioned the tide is being turned since now Eli and the others are "taking action."
Basically, the HL2 episodes represent a weekend of binge drinking and the aftermath. HL2 is the longest one and is the actually drinking. EP1 is waking up the mourning after with a huge hangover and realising WTF you've did last night. EP2 is finding a good hangover cure and EP3 is confronting all the people who are pissed off from you vomiting on them.
Oh finding finding the people who saw you making an arse of yourself and happily spreading it around, like the good pals they are...
Breen: No, Gordon, I AM your father!

I prefer the Space Balls version

Dark Helmet- "I am your father's, uncle's, brother's former room mate"
Lonestar- "So, what does that make us?"
Dark Helmet- "Absolutely nothing"

It's going to be absolutely brutal. The Combine have no reason now to pacify rebels, but can just annihilate them outright. Dr. Breen is no longer in charge; he held back the Combine during Anticitizen 1, Follow Freeman, Our Benefactors and Dark Energy. Without him in place, the Advisor is going to finish what he started back in the 7-hour war, genocide and complete subjugation.

Just from the trailer, we see the Combine pouring out overwhelming force (several gunships and striders, soldiers, hunters, hunter-choppers). In the 5th gameplay trailer, almost every single house has at least a strider attacking it, not to mention support troops.
I believe they were cut, because woodland camo ain't the smartest camouflage in an urban setting.
The new Combine skin was the thing I was looking forward to the most in Episode one. How lame is that?

It doesnt take much to impress me.
The new Combine skin was the thing I was looking forward to the most in Episode one. How lame is that?

It doesnt take much to impress me.

Think about it like this... it would make more sense to have woodland camo in E2, so it's more likely that the Combine would use it.

Plus, we might even get a new rifle with more sane characteristics then the pulse rifle. That'd be really nice, and would make sense for reasons I've pointed out before. :)
Breen: No, Gordon, I AM your father!

I think the fight now will be to block the combine from returning to earth somehow, while trying to push through the combine forces on earth, which CAN be beaten by the resistance.

hey... i made that lame joke too... only it was with the g-man.