The crowbar is a physically modelled object


Aug 1, 2004
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I read in an interview that the crowbar will be physically modeled, ie "a bar swinging through the air". If so, could that mean that even if you don't hit the fire button, but do a rapid look up and down motion with your mouse, you could actually hit something? Does the crowbar always physically exist in the world, or only when you press the primary attack button? If it always exists, you could probably block other people's crowbars in MP, and this could lead to...crowbar duels :D

Would this apply to all the other weapons? in HL1 for example, you can come up to a wall and it will look like you are a slight distance from it in first person view, but from 3rd person, your gun and hands are actually IN the wall. Would the same thing happen in HL2? Large weapons such as the OICW or the rocket launcher could hinder your movement in tight spaces. You could theoretically use any weapon as a close range melee weapon. I also heard somewhere that Gordon will not need the Grav gun to pick up small objects such as cans and thin metal rods. If almost anything small can be picked, almost anything small can become a potent short-range weapon or distraction device.

Now I know why you guys post so much, the easy way of waiting for HL2 is talking about it (or sleeping).
I came in here expecting to see a rehashed quote from a 10 month old artice but I've been pleasantly suprised.

I'd e-mail Valve those questions.
What I don't get is if someone creates a custom crowbar model, then their crowbar could be bigger than the normal one *gasps :p* and that would mess up the the physical simulation!

I guess the dimensions of the crowbar are probably coded in.
Varsity said:
I came in here expecting to see a rehashed quote from a 10 month old artice but I've been pleasantly suprised.

I'd e-mail Valve those questions.

Just did, I'll keep you updated if I get a reply.
The Thing said:
What I don't get is if someone creates a custom crowbar model, then their crowbar could be bigger than the normal one *gasps :p* and that would mess up the the physical simulation!

I guess the dimensions of the crowbar are probably coded in.

well, if they did it for online or whatever, the hitboxs and whatnot are standardized by the server. In CS if someone makes a custom model of the riot shield that is acube around them, it doesn't help..
When u stand looking, close up, to the wall I'd expect it to drop the crowbar and weapons down like it does when your looking at a friendly character. Unless thats not HL'ish?
Yeah, we wondered about all that back when it was first mentioned but it never occured to anyone to bother asking for some reason. Possibilities are indeed awesome; I mean, would the crowbar be solid, to the point that bullets could glance off it? We've heard how a grating was held up as a shield against turrets, but we never really decided whether PCG UK meant with the manipulator or some sort of empty-handed grab...
GuNzABlaZiN said:
I read in an interview that the crowbar will be physically modeled, ie "a bar swinging through the air". If so, could that mean that even if you don't hit the fire button, but do a rapid look up and down motion with your mouse, you could actually hit something? Does the crowbar always physically exist in the world, or only when you press the primary attack button? If it always exists, you could probably block other people's crowbars in MP, and this could lead to...crowbar duels :D

Would this apply to all the other weapons? in HL1 for example, you can come up to a wall and it will look like you are a slight distance from it in first person view, but from 3rd person, your gun and hands are actually IN the wall. Would the same thing happen in HL2? Large weapons such as the OICW or the rocket launcher could hinder your movement in tight spaces. You could theoretically use any weapon as a close range melee weapon. I also heard somewhere that Gordon will not need the Grav gun to pick up small objects such as cans and thin metal rods. If almost anything small can be picked, almost anything small can become a potent short-range weapon or distraction device.

Now I know why you guys post so much, the easy way of waiting for HL2 is talking about it (or sleeping).
i am very sure that was a lie from valve...
In light of pixartist's proof I'll have to agree.
I am looking foward to creative stuff that can be done though. :D
Someone needs to clarify exactly what they meant by "simulated" then.

And, just for the record, the absence or presence of features in the leaked build really is irrelevant when considering the game's probably an age away.
pixartist said:
you never played the beta didn't you?

You never knew betas that actually aren't betas, aren't a good representative of the final product, especially when they are over a year older then the final release copy?
pixartist said:
you never played the beta didn't you?

Yes, because we all know that "beta's" (it's a goddamn stolen build, not a beta) are a very representative and final look on the game.

/me puts on his tin foil hat

But it's all a LIE!!! teyh r comin 4 us!!! RUN!~1
What the people above me said. That was a stolen build - not a beta.

Also, qckbeam who playtested at valve's, said you can pick up physically simulated objects with your hand (like cans - even a T.V) and throw it on the ground, e.t.c.
wonkers said:
I love being censored. Proves my point.
Don't be silly, it proves nothing. You were being an idiot.

On-topic: I'll be very interested to see if it (and the other weapons for that matter) actually is physically simulated and if that affects anything in any way.
pixartist said:
you never played the beta didn't you?

Actually, the beta was old before anyone even heard about it. It was estimated to be compiled about a good 5-6 months before it was stolen. which would give us about a year and a half now.. you don't think it takes that long to code one object to be physically simulated now do you?
'Course it does! You're all mad.

Hmm... maybe we'll finally see HL with the ability to disarm enemies/players with shots to the hands...
Edcrab said:
'Course it does! You're all mad.

Hmm... maybe we'll finally see HL with the ability to disarm enemies/players with shots to the hands...

yeah im with you, id like to see the good old shot to the hand disarm, and then possibly the combine cowering in fear before i shoot him in the head :devil:
guys... it was in early alpha phase... not beta
If you can pick up objects does that mean you can drop the crowbar? :(

and if so, if i drop from a height, drop the crowbar or other stick-like object, if it lands pointing up will i impale myself? :D LOOOOOL

(quicker than typing "kill" in console :p)
i have a prove that it cannot be simulated:
you have the possibility to modify your models for the multiplayer. If you would change the crowbars size, the player and server weapon effect would be different
-> it's not physicly simulated...
pixartist said:
i have a prove that it cannot be simulated:
you have the possibility to modify your models for the multiplayer. If you would change the crowbars size, the player and server weapon effect would be different
-> it's not physicly simulated...

That's not proof. That's just assuming that valve didn't impose limits of any sort.

Plus, Valve's answer likely concerned the single player, since they're keeping multiplayer secretive.
1) It's proof.
2) They never meant to let you change your models in the first place. They assume you have the correct ones installed. As HL2 mp will only work with steam, perhaps the correct physically simulated models (not the ones you see) are constantly checked and replaced with the originals if necessary.
I remember in The jedi knight games you could kill a storm trooper by runing by him with your saber out.

I think I killed the guy I was protecting like that a few times.
If you change the size of a model, the hitbox does not change with it. The same will be true for different crowbar models.
Uhhh, if you change the model, the hitbox would remain the same, so even if you change the crowbar into a 6ft. sword, it would still act like a crowbar.
as it is supposed to be physically simulated, im personally quite keen to try and see if i can jump up on front of a ledge and swing the crow bar in a way the i could just dangle by my crowbar off the edge of something, i think that would be cool. and in terms of game play it would be quite good if you would have to do something like that in the game. for instance if there was a landslide or something and you were about to fall off the edge of a ravine when you take out your crowbar and slam it into the ground to halt our progress. that would be cool.