The Darkness GDC 07 HD trailer

Hmm...good, but not great. I never really thought this was too impressive but I will likely have to wait and see what everyone thinks of the final build.
Looking good like always. They should have showed more the of snake hands tearing people apart tho.
looks good now I have to decide getting this or stranglehold along with Bioshock when they come out.
Gotta love when it lags in the trailer...

Eh, looks alright.
I normally wouldn't be too hyped by that trailer, but Riddick was great so I'll definitely give it a chance.
My god they better not mess this up >_> Im a fan of the comic so even though I know they made riddick im still worried D: I also wonder if they'll have you get all armored up later, probably near the end of the game since in the comic when armored up all he had to do was think of a gun and poof there it was >_>

the environment/lighting looks ok,but the models are all blocky and not smooth.
I don't think it looks that great. I'm guessing a straight 70 to 75/100 accross the board in review scores.

It reminds me of that western FPS that had a demo out a few months ago. The guns seem to have no recoil etc etc, just seems a bit sub-par.
Looks extremely lame. Not even kidding. Awful weapon animations, meh just looks like a medicre C+ FPS to me.