The Darkness Story Trailer *amazing*

Just looked through the game's website, and I must say...
It has a very intriguing story.
This game is way to gory! Me likes.
Thanks for the trailer it looks amazing.
Well anyone whos read the comic would know the story is good >_> Can't wait for this :x.
sounds interesting
reminds me of condemned
same dark atmosphere
How about a link where I don't have to wait 30 minutes in line?
It's being developed by the same guys that did the "Escape from Butchers Bay" game.It looks very atmospheric and cinematic.Not to mention how much fun it's gonna be to wield "The Darkness".
That looks so kickass.

Man i remember posting about this a while ago, with a few screenshots then posting more with videos. Most flamed me here saying it will be shit. Now everyone is taking it back...
It looks cool, but holy **** did that movie trailer/preview voice guy completely and utterly shatter the atmosphere as well as ruin the trailer altogether.
looks like one ill play at work, not too psyched on it tbh, looks like Prey or FEAR with weird snakedemons
looks like one ill play at work, not too psyched on it tbh, looks like Prey or FEAR with weird snakedemons

Nah its more than just snake demons. I just wonder if they'll let you take control of the Darkness like Jackie does in the comic >_> In the comic he was able to make that kick ass body armor pretty soon, and could pretty much make any gun at will. That'd be overpowered unless they use that as some kind of "LOL SUPER MODE TIME" you can only use every once in a while.