The day the earth stood still remake


Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
Saw this on tuesday.... was "OK"....

Spotted loads of cameo's from actors from BSG and Prison Break...

They was lots of blatent product placement and crap subliminal messages.

Original was better.

Green freaks would like it tho!
Shouldn't this go in the movie section? Anyway never watched any of the films.
Heard it was shit. The special effect scenes were all those that existed in the trailer apparently. The ending was a stab in the heart as well, according to my friend, also he said Keanu Reeves acting was shit.
I liked it, could have been better and nothing special but definitely entertaining and it caters to my wild environmentalist side. It might be important to note that I find nothing wrong with Keanu Reeves (except that he can only play the one character, which is Neo and Klaatu and everyone else he's ever played) and he doesn't get on my nerves. If he annoys you, you will be in very serious danger of thinking this movie sucks.
I have nothing against Keanu Reeves, but if the movie is boring I'll still think it sucks.

I thought the original was boring BTW
What you have to accept about Reeves is that he doesn't act, he just reads dialogue and pretends that it's him. He has one role - the reserved, intense, serious, calm white dude that's kind of awkward and kind of badass at the same time. It's like Will Smith - he doesn't act, he just plays one character (himself) really well. If the role he's been cast for is appropriate for that one character, it works out fine. When they try to make Keanu act like anything else though is when you realize he's about as talented as a wooden board at acting. Although he still blows Hayden Christensen out of the water. In any case what I'm trying to say is that he plays the weird alien non-human guy pretty appropriately.
^ True. He tried acting in Dracula (from 1992), and we all saw the horrific result. I have no idea why he keeps getting good roles, everyone is good at playing themselves.
Meh is the best word to describe it. Also, Sandspider is right about the product placement. It's pretty blatent.
Yeh, the product placement was really really obvious in this film, to the point where I just laughed.

I'll agree with the whole it was very meh and what you see in the trailers is was you get in the film. One thing that I liked was GORT, he was pretty badass.
Minor spoilers...

I quite liked it.

The best part of the film is the execution of the central premise: Klaatu's landing, the mechanism of his 'birth', his confusion in a new body, the nature of the 'group of civilisations' which have sent him and the almighty science-panic shit-storm that goes down as he enters the solar system: all of these are realised with flair (as is the engine of the apocalypse itself). Reeves' performance is spot-on, while explanations of the alien technology, and its brutal bureaucratic logic, are all delivered with plausibility and style, without a hint of kitsch. In fact, bar the mainly pointless Himalayan intro scene, the entire first hour of the movie is great. Not to mention Jennifer Connelly, who is, as always, ****ING HOT.

However, before the film can end, it sags for a while. Once Klaatu has made his decision, it slows. This is partly because the structure of the plot now rests with characters who are powerless to do anything but talk - and the talk is not great. Naturally, much of the environmental/apocalyptic 'argument' is completely dumbed-down, skipped over and sentimentalised. That is to say that for a film whose central plot hinges on human characters convincing an alien to come round to their point of view, very little actual convincing is seen to happen. There's an old scientist character who appears in the middle of the film, and who seems to play a key part in winning Klaatu over, but his role is very truncuated and what is more he says little of any particular profundity or insight. Connelly's obnoxious sprog adds little to the proceedings.

Still, even if you'll find it hard to believe that aliens would ever bother to save us, the final half-hour will at least be exciting. But the film somewhat fails as an environmental or apocalyptic call to arms precisely because, while it offers a blanket condemnation of the human way of life, there is not much depth to the 'issue', while the humans themselves offer little argument for their lives other than a whiny "but we can chaaange!" I suppose it would always have been impossible to make a film that successfully convinced the heathens (I doubt that was the makers' intention anyway). But it might at least have convinced the choir.
Still, even if you'll find it hard to believe that aliens would ever bother to save us, the final half-hour will at least be exciting. But the film somewhat fails as an environmental or apocalyptic call to arms precisely because, while it offers a blanket condemnation of the human way of life, there is not much depth to the 'issue', while the humans themselves offer little argument for their lives other than a whiny "but we can chaaange!" I suppose it would always have been impossible to make a film that successfully convinced the heathens (I doubt that was the makers' intention anyway). But it might at least have convinced the choir.

And this is exactly why stories like this piss me off.
The issue should not be: "but we can chaaange!"
but : Who the **** are you to judge us in the first place?