the defining movie of your generation


May 5, 2004
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I think anyone in my age group: mid-30's would agree that this movie defined what it was like to be a teen in the 80's ...everyone should watch it

The Breakfast Club

what's your defining movie ..or better still what's your peer group defining movie?
I know. The Breakfast Club was great.

But for my generation, the movie that defines what it's all about is Thirteen. :thumbs::thumbs:
wow those are the oldest looking 13 yr olds I've ever seen ..havent seen it but it must be good if you think it's generation-defining
Breakfast Club was great. Molly Ringwald was hot.

I, personally, hate this generation or "our" generation if I have to call it that. If anything defined it, it'd be something with a lot of special effects, I'd say The Matrix. Although I am a bit of a Matrix/Keanu fanboy anyway. :P
while the Matrix was indeed genre defining it's not a movie that defines your generation in terms of issues that affect your peer group
Ooooh, so that's what you meant, sorry wrong end of the stick.

Erm, I can't think of any film that's done that. There was that Kids film, but I only heard about that, haven't seen it myself. Don't think there are any films about chav's anyway. :laugh:
what's your defining movie ..or better still what's your peer group defining movie?

I dare to name Pulp Fiction :O it's just too leisure!
Recoil said:
I dare to name Pulp Fiction :O

well maybe if your were a hitman I could see how that would be generation defining :naughty: ...........are you a hitman? ...I may have a job for you ...or a few
Naw, we don't run around with 45s :laugh: ...the whole atmosphere of the movie was so... free and leisure. I/we try to achieve that :P
Wayne's World is probably the closest match to my era that I've seen (for the 90's anyway). Yes the Wanye and Garth have a radio show, but they were caricatures of the typical male teen in the early 90's. They were very mellow, into rock 'n roll, stayed up late partying, and on a search for the ladies (shwing!! :naughty: ).

Even though that kinda matches what I'm like, it probably isn't what teens are like today. Change mellow to depressed and rock 'n roll to rap/pop. Partying isn't as big a thing today, and as for the sex stuff....well I don't think that'll ever change. :)

I don't know if there is a defining movie of teens during the new millenium (my era). I'm I guy who prefers science fiction, so I don't really watch the typical teen movies these days. I have a feeling it'll probably be American Pie (I still haven't seen the whole movie yet).
Recoil said:
Naw, we don't run around with 45s :laugh: ...the whole atmosphere of the movie was so... free and leisure. I/we try to achieve that :P

remind me to never to get in the back seat if you're driving :)
A True Canadian said:
Wayne's World is probably the closest match to my era that I've seen (for the 90's anyway). Yes the Wanye and Garth have a radio show, but they were caricatures of the typical male teen in the early 90's. They were very mellow, into rock 'n roll, stayed up late partying, and on a search for the ladies (shwing!! :naughty: ).

Even though that kinda matches what I'm like, it probably isn't what teens are like today. Change mellow to depressed and rock 'n roll to rap/pop. Partying isn't as big a thing today, and as for the sex stuff....well I don't think that'll ever change. :)

I don't know if there is a defining movie of teens during the new millenium (my era). I'm I guy who prefers science fiction, so I don't really watch the typical teen movies these days. I have a feeling it'll probably be American Pie (I still haven't seen the whole movie yet).

american pie works ..although it's sad that a movie about bodily functions is generation defining ...I guess this is harder than I thought

DeusExMachinia's choice of garden state is what I was looking for: it speaks to people of that generation
remind me to never to get in the back seat if you're driving

Hehe, maybe I'm coming over to buy an oldschool Cadillac, they're probably cheaper on your side of the ocean? Gotta go for a test drive then... :D
There is only one movie that defines the 18 - 25year old generation and that is The Goonies.
Recoil said:
Hehe, maybe I'm coming over to buy an oldschool Cadillac, they're probably cheaper on your side of the ocean? Gotta go for a test drive then... :D

ya they're cheaper ...but can I ride in the front seat? :E
Yeah waynes world definately, although they look about thirty but act like teenagers.
Garden States a good one too.
I the UK the defining movie of my generation has to be Human Traffic.

It's like a Friday night out
Tough call...
Born in 1983...I didn't really get into the movie scene until 1990...
I'd have to say ...Eh, I'm going to mention a few...
The Breakfeast Club
The Goonies
(Sure sure, I wasn't born in the time period that this movie portrays but...)
American Graffiti
American Pie
Razor said:
There is only one movie that defines the 18 - 25year old generation and that is The Goonies.

oh boy, you nailed it Razor.

speaking of the Goonies(if you haven't seen it, do it) - I saw something with the director and he wouldn't let the kids see the pirate ship till the filming. So their expression on their faces was quite real, although they had to film that scene again because they were exclaiming stuff like, "holy shit" which couldn't go in the final cut.
Dr. Strangelove is the perfect movie in my opinion.

It doesn't really exemplify my generation in at all, but in a strange way it is representative of me.
DeusExMachinia said:
I've never watched Garden State, but I loved Igby Goes Down, my cousin gave me the dvd for my birthday two weeks ago. She got the dvd from Canada where she studies, because I think they censor R-rated dvds over here :( I don't understand why they rated it R though, apart from the exposed nipples there wasn't really anything worthy of an R-rating. Something like Swimming Pool I can understand, but not this.
Breakfast Club. Hmm, I watched that movie a while ago. First time i've seen it. And yes, I loved it.