The direction i'd like to see the new MGS game go in.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
living / showing the psycological effects and processes Snake goes through in an all out war.

Well I read the post on the PS3 and in perticular noted the part about mgs4 having more urban like enviroments and such. Well MGS games constantly make reference to large wars and battles, and how Snake was a hero in this wars. Well i'd like to play as snake being the war hero. The gameplay would be hard to devlope however since every other MGS title has taken the one man army direction.

Living out the Zanzibar incident described briefly in MGS would be nice (well this actually happened in an earlier game for SNES I believe) but seeing the artistic talent applied to metal gear, except in a war enviroment (as hectic as say d-day in MOH) or stalingrad in COD) would be amazing.

Snake as he stands, has very little room for innovation.. although i've loved practically every MGS espionage title they can only reinvent the same gameplay process so many times until it gets dry, and i'd hate to see the franchise ever get that tired. When MGS first came out it revolutionized and showed us what a creative and inspired developer can really accomplish.. i'd like to see Hideo and his gang pull this off again and take Snake in an entirely different direction.
Maybe MGS4 will pull a RE4 in terms of gameplay. As in, being almost nothing like its predicessors.
Pressure said:
Maybe MGS4 will pull a RE4 in terms of gameplay. As in, being almost nothing like its predicessors.

If they did it that nicely, that would be awesome. I think an mgs4 war psycology game would be awesome.. maybe like an adrenaline meter and some other innovative features.
they did the sneaking, espionage, part of teh game VERY well in msg3. what i didnt like was the outdoor enviroments, and the combat. it was very hard at the end, on the motorcycle to shoot people.

one last thing. they need to stop having snake captured and totured in every game.

this game seems to be post msg2, as it has revovler ocelot in it
This one happens soon after MGS2 and involves Raiden, who I think could actually be a good character if they fleshed him out some more and made him more mature, especially after his experiences in MGS2
Personally, I'd like some more playtime as Raiden, he wasn;t a bad character, we were just mislead into believing Snake was the main character, and after hbis character went through so much in the last one it would be really interesting to see how he has adjusted
Since this one's gonna be more urban I'd definitely like them to add lots of civilians, and you would have to find civilian clothing to blend in, it'd be like the camoflouge system only more in-depth because you could match shirts, pants, shoes, etc.
Along with that idea the terrorists should be able to blend in and dress as civilians, making it hard for you to know if there were enemies around or not
Also, the games have yet to really explore the fact that Snake is getting older, he's in his 40s or so, right? I think there should be certain cutscenes showing him having problems doing certain things
They should keep the Med screen from MGS3 but have it go more in depth, like if Snake has to put a cast on a broken arm he wouldn;t be able to hang from railings for a certain period of time and you would see his in-game model with the cast on
The cast thing is kind of retarded, so if he breaks his legs, he'll need crutches?

They should make it so he could still hang from railing when injured etc etc but for less periods of time.

If you mean "casts" as in bandages, then that'd be O.K.

I think something along the lines as like let's say like splinter cell you could use left or right hand to shoot. Let's say you have snake shoot with the right most of the time, he'd get real great handling guns with that hand and aim with that eye.
ailevation said:
The cast thing is kind of retarded, so if he breaks his legs, he'll need crutches?

They should make it so he could still hang from railing when injured etc etc but for less periods of time.
no, not crutches, but a cane, because cane's are cool, and it would slow his speed, which would mean he would have to hide more and you couldn;t make any quick runs through enemy areas, it would really change strategies
I hope it to be more more action oriented cuz in mgs3 I find more interesting fight against all soldiers that hide in corners even if is that the genre of the game but if the camera is in a 3d way like a tipical 3rd person shooter it will be very cool
and I still hope to see boss whit unatural abilities but the plot to keep very realistic
no, not crutches, but a cane, because cane's are cool, and it would slow his speed, which would mean he would have to hide more and you couldn;t make any quick runs through enemy areas, it would really change strategies

That would be hilarious! Old man snake with a cane! :laugh:

I think Babyheadcrab's idea would actually be good. After all, there's plenty of scope for stealth warfare even in the middle of a large-scale battle.
babyheadcrab said:
Living out the Zanzibar incident described briefly in MGS would be nice (well this actually happened in an earlier game for SNES I believe)
Actually, it was originally MSX then ported to NES.:)
Meryl, Maybe Big Boss, Revolver Ocelot, Otacon, Raiden, Vamp, Possibly Naomi from MGS1

That is the cast list according to EGM #195, so we could see FoxDie show up again much like MGS1
Dalamari said:
Meryl, Maybe Big Boss, Revolver Ocelot, Otacon, Raiden, Vamp, Possibly Naomi from MGS1

That is the cast list according to EGM #195, so we could see FoxDie show up again much like MGS1
I've been aware of this since the MGS4 teaser site first came online.:D
<RJMC> said:
I hope it to be more more action oriented cuz in mgs3 I find more interesting fight against all soldiers that hide in corners even if is that the genre of the game but if the camera is in a 3d way like a tipical 3rd person shooter it will be very cool
and I still hope to see boss whit unatural abilities but the plot to keep very realistic
maybe you forgot that Metal Gear games are supposed to be geared towards stealth...
Icarusintel said:
maybe you forgot that Metal Gear games are supposed to be geared towards stealth...

yes I know but sometimes is very cool figth against the enemys whit all the features of the game
Playing as Liquid, Revolver or some other ex fox hound guys would be awesome, hell why not let us choose or alternate us through them as the story progresses
I remenber I hav a cool idea when playing mgs3

I was thinking about a game in the wwII where you plays as the cobra menbers(the bosses of mgs3,they are called cobra something right?) in a similiar style to mgs3 and every menber uses it diferent abilities,like jump from trees as the fear,or uses hornets as the pain,I think it can be cool
<RJMC> said:
I remenber I hav a cool idea when playing mgs3

I was thinking about a game in the wwII where you plays as the cobra menbers(the bosses of mgs3,they are called cobra something right?) in a similiar style to mgs3 and every menber uses it diferent abilities,like jump from trees as the fear,or uses hornets as the pain,I think it can be cool

ya or using ravens for vulcan raven or vamps super agility and blood suckage.
Let's try that again, shall we? No scans, or links to scans.