The discussion for the U.S.A version of PCGAMER


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
I see there is another topic, but i thought i could make this one, for the discussion about the new mag. Just got it right now, i am going to open it... ill reply with what i think about it. I see a new screenshot yay! (a new new one)
goddamit all the friggin Canadian stores (gastation) are sold out!
Six Three said:
goddamit all the friggin Canadian stores (gastation) are sold out!

lol @ Canada

Yeah, I think this has been discussed to death in about 5 other threads. Wasn't there another thread about the us version already. Oh well. I still have yet to get mine...someone let me know if it's worth the ten bucks.
it's a cool one... a zombie on a city street, on fire.

EDIT: and there's another new one... a group of three combine firing at stuff, explosion in the background, one's shooting an ant lion.
thread closing innnn 4?

I wish I could see the picture, but after HL1, i think i've seen enough zombies, i want some combine goodness (thats not saying im sick of them)
I have the magazine as well, the zombie picture is nothing special.. looks very smiliar to the traptown zombie scene we've seen (same downtownish city setting)
Ok is this a new mag, or one that has already been raved about? Too many magazines :p

Too many American magazines copying the name of the English versions ;)
Crusader said:
Ok is this a new mag, or one that has already been raved about? Too many magazines :p

Too many American magazines copying the name of the English versions ;)

PC Zone is the one that was raved about.. PC Gamer US is a little bit underwhelming, but that's alright. It was good.
PC Gamer == same publisher, AFAIK. Just different versions for different countries.
Yeah, the PCGAMER US explained it like this:

PCGAMER UK, is a UK magazine in the style of a US magazine. They decided that making a version for the US would be a good idea, so they made PCGAMER US.

Which is then a US magazine in they style of a UK magazine trying to be in the style of a US magazine. Simple really :D
Yea, 2 new screens. It was good. There could of been a little more, but sounds like a good game. Pcgamer really like the physics. THey said you can set houses on fire and the fire will spread non-scripted. Ill have more later.
On the bottom right hand corner of pg.35 there is a little blurb of the other uses of Valve's Source enging and the facial animation technoloty. Props go to valve for their support of helping kids with Autism as well as helping the US train better soldiers. :thumbs:

er.. can i quote it? Oh well...

Gabe Newell let slip that the games press aren't the only folks approaching Valve these days. The Secretary of Defense has been in touch with Newell about lending Valve's technology to the next generation of military training tools. Additionally, an institute dedicated to autism is interested in using Half-Life 2's facial animation scripting to help teach autistic children about the ranges of facial expression.
I am happy that the reviewer was really impressed by the level of graphics and over all immersion.
TheWart said:
I am happy that the reviewer was really impressed by the level of graphics and over all immersion.
Yes, he said that in the beginning you can spend hours walking around C17 jumping on garbage cans and everything... sound fun to me!
Six Three said:
goddamit all the friggin Canadian stores (gastation) are sold out!

I don't think its out in Canada until Wednesday, at least out here on the Left Coast.
Man, I must be the only person in the country who hasn't gotten their PC gamer yet. This sucks. :(
Anthraxxx said:
Gabe Newell let slip that the games press aren't the only folks approaching Valve these days. The Secretary of Defense has been in touch with Newell about lending Valve's technology to the next generation of military training tools. Additionally, an institute dedicated to autism is interested in using Half-Life 2's facial animation scripting to help teach autistic children about the ranges of facial expression.
wow. that is pretty l33t.
way to hijack a thread, i guess it was deserved though.
Cyanide said:
Man, I must be the only person in the country who hasn't gotten their PC gamer yet. This sucks. :(

Your not the only one, im hoping mine comes today.
Wow, fire that spreads non-scripted. Maybe Source could be used in the training of firemen? That would be great.
Hmm.. I don't think it is entirely unscripted.. maybe on small wooden parts but not huge buildings.
What do they exactly say about the fire? Anyway, even if it's not completely unscripted, it's still cool. That kind of feature hasn't been seen in any other game yet.
Heh. The smallest magazine preivew gets the most duplicate threads about it. PCZone got PCzOWNED!

I'm guessing that the way the fire works is that wooden objects can be tagged as burnable, and if fire touches it, it goes up in flames after a short delay. That way, all you need is burnable objects near each other, or something breakable built out of individual objects each other, and each object will go up one after another, allowing the fire to "spread" to any other object that it can.
i dont think they need to be tagged, not by the mapper anyway, i assume that sort of thing is kept in the same way as wooden objects will have a wooden impact sound and splinter sprite when shot, as well as flamability, would all be kept in the material data.
Perhaps, though "breakable" is definately a tag. I would think that the material system creates "defaults" but that the mapper can then alter them to the needs of the game. They might not want certain huge wooden structures to be flamable. Consider a wooden ship with very thick sides: would they really want a wet ship with thick, almost fire-proof timbers, to go completely up in flames in seconds just because Gordan lit a match? :)
The reviewer is much more reserved than the Zone guys -- and it's only three pages long. I think he could of written more, but I like how he told it the way it was -- like it's supposed to be written about, as a game, rather than a symbol. When you get articles like PC Zone that elevate it to something on another level, that's when the hype starts getting out of control.

I think he could of added a bit more descriptive detail, though, namely quotes secured from the employees. Nothing was even mentioned about the leak, or their reactions to the delays, etc.
Cunni said:
I don't think its out in Canada until Wednesday, at least out here on the Left Coast.

Im from Vancouver call it the "Left Coast"?? wtf...
Six Three said:
Im from Vancouver call it the "Left Coast"?? wtf...
Left coast LOL!

New sig.

I got PC Gamer yesterday, it really isn't too much, at least screenie wize. There were some cool things mentioned in the article.

Holy Crap!! Just realised, my original quote was by Cunni also! Wow! Keep dishin em out! :D
Heres what the article said specifically about fire.

I even observed that fire actually spreads through burning structures. In a totally unscripted manner, if you choose to start a fire in a building, you will eventually find the whole place going up in flames.

By the way, the picture to the introduction of the article is one of the coolest pictures I've ever seen..ever. The picture is worth $10 itself.