The Docks video and the SKY....



I watched the docks video and I was stunned by the beauty of the graphics. The vivid colors from the sky caught my attention, but my awe turned into a sigh when I saw that it was just a flat picture with no moving/rolling clouds. If the clouds are made to move I think it would be wayyyy more immersive, anyone else agree?
OMG there is already a topic on this, PLEASE READ THE TOPICS BEFORE YOU POST.....ITS ON THE SAME PAGE!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!1!1!111!!!1 TEH KID IS AN IDIOT!!!!111111111!!111111!! LETS FLAME HIM UNTIL WE GET ULCERS!!!!!!!111111111!!!!11111!!!
Thank you Mr. Pressure for your mature post. Now I can sleep better at night knowing you're on this forum ready and willing to help others out.
I dunno if you could read the sarcasim in that post.
Pressure was actually defending you, tehtravis. :(
Thank you Mountain Man, no further discussion necessary. Apologies Pressure.

And look in the other thread

"GameSpy: This time around, the action really focuses as much outdoors as it does inside. What can we expect in the way of weather and lighting effects to evoke the feeling of an Eastern European city visually?
Doug Lombardi: We really wanted to bring people outside a lot more in the first game; there was the cliff scene in Half-Life 1 where you had to work your way up the side of this cliff … and all the while you were next to this big ugly 2D skybox thing. We were horribly embarrassed by that, so in this game when we take you outside we want it to be far more believable than that. We've implemented a 3D skybox to give us a believable endless horizon, while the downtown urban environments are far more detailed with what have you, like the variety of architecture and objects. The telephone cables, for example, are physically simulated, so when objects are fired at them or fly over them you can see the cables move.

As far as atmosphere, we have a scene at night where you can see the clouds moving and sort of block the moon. We're doing a variety of things to outdoor levels to make them more compelling and believable."
I hope these new steam videos aren't running on the latest Source version, because if it is, Doom 3 will totally own HL2 in graphics.
Originally posted by TheDrizzle
I hope these new steam videos aren't running on the latest Source version, because if it is, Doom 3 will totally own HL2 in graphics.

oh dear another retard that doesn;t actually read or listen to what others say.

how many times has it been said that the E3 demo's were done on the build from LAST SEPTEMBER!!!!!

and even so, i still think HL2 looks fkn more realistic than Doom3..... if you want shine and shadows you can have Doom3, if you want cartoony graphics you have XIII (cell shaded) and if you want realism you can have HL2 or STALKER..... its that simple.
now shut up with these pointless OMG OMG its crap balh blah.

Yeah, it's my understanding that the E3 demos are based on an early build and are not necessarily representative of the final game.
Who has said that the e3 demo was on a build from last september? I know some screens were = (shadows facing wrong way), dont think the e3 footage was from anything than current builds at the time. I just want you to prove it so i know for sure.