The end of 4chan?


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
The disgusting site of all horrible yet so funny memes has been down for some time now. I searched online for the problem and I got 2 answers:
  • DDoSED
  • They are being raided for pedo pics.
Even more odd is that they have been down on the same day as tv-links. Other sites include wikichan and rapidsearch as well. Could this be the end of internet? How far did that tv-links raid incident go? :(
Its back already. 1+2

(edit: it's down again, whatever)

Someone's attacking all the chans with DDOS. Read ED for details.
Rules 1 and 2, sadly, have been broken on this forum. Take it from me, can't be contained any more. I have tried.

To address the topic at hand, this is The Long Caturday Nap. Moot is eating soup. When he finishes his delicious soup, 4chan will return. There is nothing to worry about.

As for the rest of us, we have already migrated. "Any port in a storm," as they say. We are taking refuge where we can until 4chan returns.

You will be interested to note there are over 116 chan sites. There's always a place to go.
Rules 1 and 2 went out the window with caturdays.
I need to go have my fix with Pitz.
We had it all planned out..

Where am I supposed to putz around for hours on end now?! :(
Who the **** cares, something will take its place anyway. There are already so many other /b/'s any way. And for those who go to 4chan for other reasons, same answer.
How can 4chan ****ing go down.

This is ****ing impossible.
Jesus Christ.

Shut the **** up about 4chan.
It's so ****ing stupid.
Would that I could say, "Now that 4chan is gone, I might actually be able to become a productive member of society." Sadly, I'm just trolling other chans now.

****ing 4chan party van. ****ing moot. ****ing everything.

God damn, if 4chan never comes back, I'm going to be very disappointed.
good riddance? 4chan?


HA i say!

4chan may have been a horrible place full of pedophiles, assholes, freaks, weeaboos, and the some of the most horrible images you will ever have the misfortune of ever seeing, but it was OUR horrible place and its had some good stuff mixed in there too.

Besides, the overall ruthless pirahna fishtank environment goes very far in serving a purpose. Namely punishing the ignorant or willfully stupid. and some of the boards are actually entertaining and educational.

i await 4chan's return patiently.
You bring tears to an oldfag's heart. I want to hug you.
I need my goddam /w/!!!!

Not to mention /tv/ and /vg/
It's...some sort of...spammer zombie invasion? Maybe?
/vg/'s 7chan, which is up. But it's not run like 4chan's /v/. It's actually slightly respectable, or so it seemed from the one time I stopped in there.

You /v/irgins are terrible.

/wp/ on 7chan is /w/, as well. Man I remember /w/. I forgot that board existed.
Blah, sorry for the double post, but for the time being, home has returned. Go, now. We return from exile. Go back to your boards, those of us on here who have them! Go back to your homes. Moot has finished his soup.
Post me some jailbait sites so I can fap to girls my age. :D
/b/'s playing the Portal song. No, not that song, the other one. The one that plays on the radio.
Lurk moar, it was doing that last night too
Hunh. Sounds completely different to me.

And Ennui, I didn't stop by /b/ last night. My main concern last night was checking to make sure the only good board remaining on 4chan was up. And that ain't /b/.

And then it was down again. So quiet you.
Why do you think it says "Still Alive" at the top.

If you played with developer commentary on, they say it's the radio version of Still Alive.
Didn't pay attention. Interestingly enough, this isn't the first time /b/'s had the header, "Still Alive."
Ehhh, we'll all just have to fap to pictures of living things.
Whoo! 4chan was really helpful to me when I needed to find reference pictures or had some other wierd request of something that I couldnt find through search engines. Glad its back.

And this is the least annoying /b/ song they've ever had.