The Fall of the Republic


Jan 25, 2009
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Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations' Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world's savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.

This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.

I'm always skeptical with these type of movies but things are set in stone now that I do not approve of and really I do not like where we are headed. sometimes I also see these film makers like Alex Jones as a fear terrorist, but only on a handful of topics. your thoughts?
I vote for a new rule for the politics forum. Anyone who posts these threads or these kinds of videos (besides that lovable KatHakSung) gets told to get the **** out.
I'll go get my tin foil hat.

Honestly, a world government? Really? You can't even get some countries to be peaceful with each other and these idiots talk about a global government...
I love it when people throw in his middle name when they are preparing to say something bad about him.
These are the same type of people that got JFK killed. Paranoid, fear mongering, isolationist nutbags.
They label somebody as a Manchurian Candidate every time he/she goes against the grain.
World Government my ass. We wouldn't be in this shit if there was a World Government. I, for one, would welcome a World Government. Humanity would actually make some positive progress and get shit done. That's what these mental midgets fear.

It is just a matter of time till some unstable ex-military, pride raging patriots attempt to take Obama's life.
i think trusting the government fully is just as bad as not trusting it at all.

i have enough reasons not to trust my gov as much as i'd like.

also denying the tie between corporations and government is very irresponsible of you. what about the fact that the banks that were bailed out used the money to give out prizes to high ranked employs and what exactly did the gov do?
I thought this was going to be about Star Wars.

I was disappointed.
These are the same type of people that got JFK killed. Paranoid, fear mongering, isolationist nutbags.
They label somebody as a Manchurian Candidate every time he/she goes against the grain.
World Government my ass. We wouldn't be in this shit if there was a World Government. I, for one, would welcome a World Government. Humanity would actually make some positive progress and get shit done. That's what these mental midgets fear.

It is just a matter of time till some unstable ex-military, pride raging patriots attempt to take Obama's life.

You're right. We would be in totally different, much worse shit with a World Government.

If we had a World Government, nothing would get done. You think expanding the most corrupt, innefficient bureacracy would get shit done? You are mistaken.
The only shit we are in is a result of pathetic, half-assed attempts at moving toward a collectivism that slows progress and greatly exacerbates the already-troublesome corruption in politics. What you call "isolationism" is in reality the same sense of individualism, not of states, but of people, that has driven virtually all of humanity's progress. You are the "mental midget" for thinking (assuming you actually think) that so many "nutbags" are the only thing standing in the way of your misguided vision of a false collectivist utopia. You are the one who is afraid of progress being made that you can't directly reap benefits from while you sit and blame others for screwing things up.
World Government would be nice if the governments of the world were in line with one another. but as long as there are wars its going to be impossible to make a stable friendship with everyone. Also with us eventually heading to Mars and possibly having a stable base/colony there it would be wise to represent Earth as one entity
I thought this was going to be about Star Wars.

I was disappointed.

Me too. :(
Been playing KOTOR1&2 and it's been dominating my mind for the past couple of weeks.

I see Star Wars references everywhere.
You're right. We would be in totally different, much worse shit with a World Government.

If we had a World Government, nothing would get done. You think expanding the most corrupt, innefficient bureacracy would get shit done? You are mistaken.
The only shit we are in is a result of pathetic, half-assed attempts at moving toward a collectivism that slows progress and greatly exacerbates the already-troublesome corruption in politics. What you call "isolationism" is in reality the same sense of individualism, not of states, but of people, that has driven virtually all of humanity's progress. You are the "mental midget" for thinking (assuming you actually think) that so many "nutbags" are the only thing standing in the way of your misguided vision of a false collectivist utopia. You are the one who is afraid of progress being made that you can't directly reap benefits from while you sit and blame others for screwing things up.

That tin foil hat must be constricting your brain from getting oxygen.
Not that it needed any, anyway.
World government?

Corporate puppeteers yanking on the strings of governments around the world in order to increase profit by the largest margin in order to maintain and build upon the wealth disparity and therefore the power disparity between the world's rich and the world's poor?

denying the tie between corporations and government is very irresponsible of you.
Yup. Exactly this. Who do you think makes our policy decisions and why do you think they are made in such a way?*

*I am not asking you, jverne. I am just posing this question so that people actually think about the decisions of this country (the US) in particular instead of blindly accepting them in the name of, say, patriotism. Here's a jumping off point for those who can't think of where to start:

All the wars we have ever fought have been to safeguard and expand upon the interests (read: capital) of:

A. the poor
B. women
C. the politically oppressed
D. the privileged, property-owning, wealthy elite