the final nail in my BF2142 coffin?


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Bluesnews said:
EA Signs Agreement to Offer Dynamic In-Game Advertising on Xbox 360 and PC

EA Signs Agreement to Bring In-Game Dynamic Advertising to Select Titles describes more plans to insert advertisements into video games, as EA has signed deals with IGA and Massive for in-game ads. Interestingly, one of the titles to get this treatment will be Battlefield 2142, which is not only set on the battlefield but well over 100 years in the future, bringing into question how these ads will live up to the "realistic" part of this description:

The initial EA title to incorporate dynamic in-game advertising via IGA is Battlefield 2142(TM), developed by DICE in Stockholm, Sweden. Fans of the franchise will see new, realistic brand presence integrated into contextually relevant game environments across the platforms and across the geographies where they play. At least two additional EA titles will offer dynamic ad serving capabilities through the course of the agreement with IGA.

the game is set almost 150 years in the future? what the **** can they possibly mean by this:

EA said:
realistic brand presence integrated into contextually relevant game environments across the platforms and across the geographies where they play

so animated billboards with coke plastered on the side, nike swirls on soldier helmets, giant Geico lizards painted on the backs of mechs, and an annoying voiceover every three minutes praising the sticking abilty of Uncle Ben's Minute rice

I'll wait for Enemy territory thanks but no thanks EA I wont play your little "let's fleece our customers" game

if and when it's in the bargain bin maybe then I'll pick it up ..and only if there's a mod to disable ads
it's like they want to go out of business? :(
if they would jsut have fixed BF2 instead of this future cash cow
it's like they want to go out of business? :(
if they would jsut have fixed BF2 instead of this future cash cow

The revenue they will gather from the companys paying for advertisments will probably be more than they make off the selling the game itself. EA is a buisness, and it doesnt give a shit about you or me. They ARE going to milk their customers for everything they are worth. Once the franchise has been killed, they will use another developer they bought to make the "next big thing" in gaming... and proceed to milk that game and all of its fans for all it is worth.

EA is to games, as Humans are to planets.


well the fan backlash is already beginning ..they took whaever good will bf1942 painstakenly created and crushed it underfoot ..I really hope Enemy Territory pulls the last remaining hold outs from BF
Makes me sick, you pay €50-60 for the game and you get advertisement? **** that shit, luckily, BF2142 already looked about as appealing as anal rape.

well the fan backlash is already beginning ..they took whaever good will bf1942 painstakenly created and crushed it underfoot ..I really hope Enemy Territory pulls the last remaining hold outs from BF
I've never played BF2. Probably will never play BF2142 now.

But ET? Hawt :D
I hope it is indeed kept to billboards and not ads like in css.
iga_ccs_subway.jpg we wouldn't buy the item when we saw the billboard IRL..why would we buy it because we are shooting around it?
Meh, just another reason why 2142 is going to suck so very, very badly.
I hope it totally bombs when it's released

/me waits for dl of beta to finish ..stupid 27%
Eh, really...the advertising isn't horrible. It's not like it's going to hinder your playing experience at all. You'll notice them for a couple days, then it will be just like the things you first noticed in'll only see the people and a bunch of walls.

The only problem I have is that the money generated from this revenue won't be used for the current project probably.
the ads are dynamic meaning they're animated or updated often

I'd find ads in games more tolerable if it meant the game was a lot cheaper it is they expect us to pay full price AND view annoying ads thanks ..there has to be a time when gamers say to EA enough is enough ..well this former BF2 player has had enough ..**** you EA I wont take it up the ass by your marketing idiots twice in a single purchase
DAMMIT SUI I'M THE GUY who posts relevant PA comics!!! You friggin got to it first.

Ach, mein Thirsten!
The only time I'd have a real problem with the ads is if I shot one and I get alt-tabbed out to a pop-up ad.
You know whats even worse than ads? The lag thats created to change the ads all the time. ;) As if BF2142 wasn't laggy enough...
I won't get BF2142 because it's coming out at a time when much better games are coming out. I'll probably wait a year or so like I did with BF2, and then get it.

And yeah, advertising in any form of entertainment sucks. Even World Trade Center had some blatant whoring-out of the marines. "YESSIR, WE'RE HEAR FOR YOU" *points directly at camera*
I never had a coffin or any nails. Now the coffin is in the ground and more than enough nails have the lid closed shut. In game advertising is just not on for me, no savings are passed to the consumer like trackmania nations. I'm officially off bf2142.

*looks for something else to play in Oct*
I never had a coffin or any nails. Now the coffin is in the ground and more than enough nails have the lid closed shut. In game advertising is just not on for me, no savings are passed to the consumer like trackmania nations. I'm officially off bf2142.

*looks for something else to play in Oct*

hail TMN.
to be honest i think it would be hilarious is there was a voice that only broadcasted in a certain section though. Like if you had a radio that had an advertisment playing but could only be heard so far. Ads are part of life so it would be ok to have them. But I agree with you all, it is kind of over ridiculous when your killing people and someone is offering you a sandwich deal and the ads become part of the game. Funny once in awhile though.
The fact that EA is doing it isn't very encouraging, but I don't think ads are a totally negative thing. If it was setup with the right business model.. say half the price of what games cost today, with the tradeoff being ads in the game, I don't think it would be too bad. It would encourage better games because developers would want to sustain a large fanbase for as long as possible.
It would certainly help out developers by delivering a more sustainable income instead of one big heap of money in the first month you release your game. Also it would encourage people to buy more games since they are cheaper. Eventually it could even lead to things like sponsers to fund the development of a game.

Of course this would only work in certain settings and gameplay types. Wouldn't work in a medieval setting or single player as the people selling the ads would want people to come back again and again. However I could definately see this working in a mmo game to reduce or even remove the monthly fee we have now. Think how much a company would pay to have the entire fanbase of WOW viewing thier ads.
You will all be singing a different tune if the game recieves high marks from the gaming websites and publications. If it is a good game that kicks ass to play, then I could give a rats ass whether or not they have in game advertising.
IGA can help out the indies who don't have much capital, but EA doing it just seems greedy. They've got gobs of money ... lest we forget the exclusive NFL thing.
EA suck as shall always suck.
Well said.
I wonder just how much corporates are actually going to pay to advertise in a game, and which ones are going to do it... ring tones, intel inside *bong-bing bong-bing* and xbox3600000 plastered all over the playing field is going to kill the atmosphere fast.

this is yet another sucky move towards global domination and Roddy Piper won't be there to chew bubblegum and kick @ss.
aww rowdy roddy ...he's the one wrestler I actually liked

I wont accept in game ads till the games themselves are free ...**** you EA
And they ruin good games with EA Trax D:
5$ someone will hack the server and change the ads to gay pr0n
question is... if a company wanted to advertise their gay pr0n merchandise, would EA take their money?