The Fourth Dimension.. mension... mension...

Comeback with a non-synthesized voice and maybe i'll watch it.
Isn't the fourth demention time?

Meaning we're in the fourth dimension?

I don't know, maybe I'm just a dumbass.
/prime opportunity for someone to insult me
This kind of stuff fascinates me. I can't wait till I do quantum physics.
I've seen plenty of videos like these that were really interesting and enlightening. This was not one of them.
Isn't the fourth demention time?

Meaning we're in the fourth dimension?

I don't know, maybe I'm just a dumbass.
/prime opportunity for someone to insult me

Time doesn't exist.

Edit: This video is shitty.
Kirk is not to be trusted in these matters! He is a violent and sexually deranged being from the 4th Dimension!
Right. Time does not exist, it is made up by Man in order for us to figure out how the universe works.

Or... maybe...
Everything that has and will happen has already happened. Humans brains are not developed enough to comprehend this explosion of events, so our brains create time.
Seriously, if you didn't already understand this shit intuitively, then I doubt a robot voice will explain it to you. It has nothing to do with quantum mechanics by the way, or the perception of time.

Everything that has and will happen has already happened. Humans brains are not developed enough to comprehend this explosion of events, so our brains create time.
You have it a bit off, brains don't create time, brains exist within the framework of time. With no time, you have no brain function, and no self awareness or existence. Thus you require a dimension of time for your own existence.
A dimension which your brain gives you. Where else would it come from?
Video would be so cash if Bill Nye was the narrarator.
A dimension which your brain gives you. Where else would it come from?

The brain doesn't create the fourth dimension, it perceives it by abstract concept.

Humans play no hand in determining reality.

Also, the notion that the universe is like a set of dominoes is obliterated by the introduction of quantum physics and the randomness of electrons.

Sigh. The masses need to do some readin'.

wiki said:
The inclusion of a fourth spatial dimension must not be confused with that of the time-inclusion as the fourth dimension of spacetime.