The Freeman Family


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
i decided to play hl over again alst night and i realized something when i went to put on the hev suit. in good ol gordons locker, is a picture of a child. which got me thinking. does he have a family, married, a child or is it is brother or sisters child, who he is close to. and if so, wehre are they now. maybe the military did something. woudl ike ot knwo your thoughts
It's apparantly one of the dev's kids, i'm not sure if it's got anything to do with the game itself or Gordon Freeman.
"Apart from a butane-powered tennis ball cannon he constructed at age 6..."

So thats where he got his shooting skills from...

/me goes out to buy a butane-powere tennis ball cannon

You know if you took out the tennis ball part, it actually sounds quite powerful.
basicallly a potato gun.....yeah pretty powerful, depending on how much butane(or other fuel). i know a guy(who got his gun from my friend) who, using only a lot of hairspray, sent a potato through sheet metal . . . aluminum roofing or something like that.....about 2-3 mm.

i imagine you could do a bit more with butane, although it might be pretty rough on the pvc.
Hmm maybe he got tender with that black dude's missus and that's alyx!! And she wanted to tell her husband about the affair but Gordon made shure she wouldn't survive the black mesa incident.

wow.. shakespeare eat your heart out..
*moved back*
*i said move back*
/me orders you to move back*
awwww, shite.
i reckon they didnt actually care about gordon when the game was released- they thought no-one would really care who u played as. they probally kept him mysterios because they wanted you to feel like you were gordon, then only later realised it was a winning formula, so to speak.