The Friends System


Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Does this thing just seem generally borked to anyone else?

List of improvements the Friends list needs:

* Option to auto-login to Friends whenever Steam is on
* Decrease Wonkiness of people being logged into Friends, but not showing up on Friends.

That's it.
Quite often someone on my list will be playing a game and tell me to join.
Yet they do not appear to be ingame on my I cannot join them.

Other than that I've had good times with Friends. ;)
Today's the first day I've been able to actually log in to the friends thang... what, was my old account banninated from the friends server or what? :O ARRRR!
hmm.. i think the Friends system isn't really going to work too well for the next few weeks, not that it has in the past :p
my reason? well assuming HL2 is coming out (yeah thats a pretty big assumption, isn't it? :E ) soon.. i think they will be too busy with other things :)

i think afterwards some of these things u guys have listed are fairly accurate and hopefully they will get fixed :)
ya i really hate the not online thing when they really are

yeah friends has always been kind of buggy for me too. bummer because its a good idea and i really wish that it worked better.
Yeah, the friends thing has been borked for me since the begining.
I have no friends :(

(actually I started a new account with CSS beta and havent added 'em yet)
We should start a letter writing campaign asking them to fix the Friends system... you know, when they've got some time.

I think it's a feature of Steam that makes it stand above the pack. You know, like the XBox Live Friend system.

But for Valve products and mods.
Since steam came out the friends list, for me, has

- Not shown online people when there online
- Sometimes cant sign in to the friends list
- friends ingame dont come up with "ingame" on the list
- If they do, hardly any times when I can join.

Its allways been buggy as heck for me, I never bother with it now, just use msn.
They should scrap friends, waste of Valves bandwith.
it workes. 1/100 times.. it always says its under network maintanance.. and if it workes most of my buddies can't see me playing :S