The future of gaming.

Good talk. A little scary at the end - I wouldn't like my life graded in such a way - but interesting.
As much as I like the idea of a computer screen on my cereal box, all that point stuff just sounds like nonsense to me.
Good talk. A little scary at the end - I wouldn't like my life graded in such a way - but interesting.

Seriously, all that talk about points and leveling up influencing the thinking process of people, freaked me out.
Lies. Commercialization and advertising will never improve the ethics of people, only deteriorate them.
Lies. Commercialization and advertising will never improve the ethics of people, only deteriorate them...
... so long as commercialisation and advertising subsist upon principles of greed, obfuscation, taking advantage of others, and bucking responsibility.
I am acquainted with Jesse Schell personally. He's a professor at the Entertainment Technology Center here at Carnegie Mellon and teaches a game design class targeted at undergrads. He came by a meeting of a club I am involved with last Friday and gave us some advice on game development.

I disagree with his interpretation of "points." If they're used for exchange, they're exactly like money. If they're not used for exchange, then they are arbitrary and pointless. If they are used for exchange, but only of specific products for specific companies, they are exactly like coupons.
I disagree with his interpretation of "points." If they're used for exchange, they're exactly like money. If they're not used for exchange, then they are arbitrary and pointless. If they are used for exchange, but only of specific products for specific companies, they are exactly like coupons.
I agree with you in terms of points exchange. But I disagree that non-exchanged points are arbitrary or pointless. They are arbitrary only within the per-game or per-platform system where the points exist. Once you exit the system, like when two players compare their points totals, the points take on the social properties of decorations. In other words, the player-driven competition to one-up each others' points totals makes them far more meaningful than you would assume by considering only the game itself.
I agree with you in terms of points exchange. But I disagree that non-exchanged points are arbitrary or pointless. They are arbitrary only within the per-game or per-platform system where the points exist. Once you exit the system, like when two players compare their points totals, the points take on the social properties of decorations. In other words, the player-driven competition to one-up each others' points totals makes them far more meaningful than you would assume by considering only the game itself.

Actually you may be right. Now that I think about it, "achievements" are also arbitrary and pointless, yet people still clamor for them. It could be a purely social motivator. I do think, however, that if a company or government started doing something like this,it would be immediately transparent that they were running some kind of scam.
good video so far, will watch more later though, i love his expressions though!
Now that I think about it, "achievements" are also arbitrary and pointless, yet people still clamor for them. It could be a purely social motivator.
Perhaps a certain person with OCD could have problems with them as well.
Actually you may be right. Now that I think about it, "achievements" are also arbitrary and pointless, yet people still clamor for them. It could be a purely social motivator. I do think, however, that if a company or government started doing something like this,it would be immediately transparent that they were running some kind of scam.
Definitely. It would be really interesting to see a scam quantified so publicly though :p
Nothing good can come of public records about what you do, what you look at, what you eat, hell even what dream about. That's seriously just too damn far.
facebook does track a lot of what the average person does. i'm sure there are warehouses of hard drives out there just collecting as much data as computerly possible. also this was a great video, thanks
All the points stuff sounds kind of stupid to me. Except maybe for health insurance, who wouldn't want to pay less for excersizing/eating healthy. May actually make fat people lose some weight.
As much as I like the idea of a computer screen on my cereal box, all that point stuff just sounds like nonsense to me.

Someone's been watching Minority Report.

Then again, its all possible. The tech probably exists, just not released to the public yet as they're dragging it out to make profit.

Like LG bringing out a borderless HD flatscreen. Thats great and everything, vary cool, very sexy, but guarantee that tech has been around for years in a cupboard at the LG HQ.

Wont be surprised when I see the day where my box of Crunchy Nut starts talking to me about Kellogg's cereal promotions, and the honey spoon on the front of the box is animated.