The G-Man helped send troops to Black Mesa?



I've seen this mentioned in several "plot guides"...when is this mentioned in the games, or is it? Is this just the opinion of some players or is there proof? I never played Decay on the PS2, does it offer extra info?
It's been proved, The G-Man says:

Yes...Mr....Freeman....I, Mesa....You fought....them,, Black...Mesa, I sent them....Yes....time....

I guess you missed it.
Hehehehe.....joking aside, the original poster is right, people do jump to a lot of assumptions when explaining the game. There's no 100% certified piece of proof that says GMan was behind the troops.

However, unless you think GMan is just some random pencil pusher who got very lost on his way home from his shift at Black Mesa, it's reasonable to assume he was behind or at least involved in most of the dodgy stuff that happened in HL1. He was probably involved with the experiment going ahead (argument with scientist), and he kept popping up everywhere to see how things were getting along, despite the fact that it's a highly dangerous disaster zone where seemingly noone can survive apart from Freeman.

The G in his name implies a govt connection (in HL1 at least), so I think in HL1 we were meant to interpret that he was in some way involved in govt troops getting sent in.

My theory is that he wanted Nihilanth dead and Xen captured for whoever he was really working for, and he eventually figures that Gordon spends the best chance of getting that done. As a result the troops are told to "Forget About Freeman" and fall back. Presumably by Gman, or at least by someone 40 levels under him in his snakey connections to Earth's govt.
isn't he seen in the boot camp tutorial part of Opposing Force talking to an army npc though? I always thought that was to show a connection between G-Man and the troops (as well as his more blatant recurrent cameos in OF)
priestistrump said:
isn't he seen in the boot camp tutorial part of Opposing Force talking to an army npc though? I always thought that was to show a connection between G-Man and the troops (as well as his more blatant recurrent cameos in OF)

Thats cause there was Adrian Shepard and Gay-man helped him back at Black Mesa. Also at Half-Life 1 start, the Gay-man was talking to one of the scientist and there was Gordon Freeman and the Gay-man also helped him during the incident. He represented the employers and he was looking for good asset's for working for his employers.
Gay Man, hahaha, I almost pissed myself from laughing. Seriously...Gay Man, that was so funny.

Haha...Gay Man, classic.

200 Posts! What a milestone.
Jandor said:
It's been proved, The G-Man says:

Yes...Mr....Freeman....I, Mesa....You fought....them,, Black...Mesa, I sent them....Yes....time....

I guess you missed it.

Ahahaha, that one's good :D Laughing at the G-Man :D
Sherpard sees the G-man with the troops at the same time you hear the commander say "forget about freeman". you try to go to an open door to the helicopter but the door shuts and the G-man is on the other side. and since the troops, who have orders to kill anything thats not a marine, dont kill the G-man or shoot at him, i assume he atleast is with the troops if not controling them.

Also in opposing forces, dont you kill a bunch of black ops trying to arm a nuke. and then the G-man re arms it. I guess that implies he send the black ops to arm the nuke.

The G-man is also there before the accident right? i think you see him on the first train, been a while since i've played HL, HL2 is just too sweet. So he knows its going to happen weather he made it/wanted it to happen or not.

Oh why are the black ops trying to kill sherpard? i never understood why they would want to kill the marines. i mean if the wanted to silence them, why pull out before the nuke was being armed? why not leave them there to be nuked?
G-man wanted Nihilanth removed, so he arranged for the ability for someone (Gordon, Shephard, Barney, etc.) to be able to travel to Xen.

He had a back-up plan to send the marines in if the infestation became too much for Gordon and the others to handle. Indeed the infestation was larger than expected, so he sent the marines to keep things contained. Although the marines quickly reverted to "kill all" once they realized the danger they were in.

The military quickly went into disarray, and the Black Ops were sent in to destroy the facility. As for who sent could have been the G-Man, it could have even been Breen trying to cover things up himself. :)
The Black Ops may have also been sent to respond to Race-X showing up out of the blue and making a mess of things.

As for the G-man re-arming the nuke...he had nothing to loose at that point. Barney had disappeared, and Gordon was already on Xen. Shephard was pretty much useless, but was spared in the end because the G-man admired his survival techniques.

This is how I see it anyway. I don't know how much of what I said is true. The Half-Life story really is quite brilliant when you think about it.
That's a felony! Who does G-man think he is! Using the US Army to fight out his personal vete with Nihilanth! I'm going to get the FBI on this
He didn't use the army, he used the USMC. (who, like their better trained British counterparts in the Royal Marines, are attached to the navy.
Since Opposing Force and Blue Shit are over-arching stories and marc Laidlaw intended Race X, etc. to be fact, we can safely assume that the G-man knew the incident was going to occur so he formed an elite fighting force called the Havardous Evironment Combat Unit (H.E.C.U.) equipped with Powered Combat Vests (P.C.V.) and trained at Santego Military Base Arizona. These men were extracted from the United States Marine Corp.

So when the the Xenian invasion of Black Mesa was growing uncontaintable the G-man ordered the HECU to pull out in the osprey helicopters and commence airstrikes with the F-14 bomber planes. He then sent in Black-Operation Command's agents from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to plant a Mark IV(?or V?) Thermonuclear warhead in Black Mesa's subterrainian parking complex, so as to maximise damage by extending the blast radius further underground in the centre of the facility.

To accomplish their mission they were granted emergency powers (similar to the Delta Force I have read about...) whereby they were above the law, the Geneva Convention, even the 1876 Posse Comitatus Act whereby it states no military personel of the US Governments command may use their status and power for personal gain or to preform covert operations, unsantioned by Congress. They were gived 'license to kill' indescriminately; scientists, Black Mesa employees, United States Marines, Xenian exogens, etc.

Regarding why they killed USMC soldiers I believe it was because those men who had missed extraction by osprey when the G-man had ordered the military to pull out were deemed MIA, missing in action. That meant they might as well have been dead so they were deemed as obstacles to be overcome by the Black-ops and were suitably 'silenced' to prevent interference in the Black-Ops plan to detonate the bomb.
good explanation lawnmower. but how do you know the black ops were from fort bragg north carolina?
how do you know g man formed a force called HECU and how do you know where they were based?
Bob_Marley said:
He didn't use the army, he used the USMC. (who, like their better trained British counterparts in the Royal Marines, are attached to the navy.

The Marines aren't in the Navy either.
Hondo said:
The Marines aren't in the Navy either.

They marines started out on navy ships to protect them and to act as boarding parties, since sailors arent riflemen. Marines both US and our british friends, are known for their shooting skills, general the best snipers are from the marines, the british being the best. In the old days marine snipers would sit on the mast of the ship and pick off people as the other marines boarded the ship.

today corp is still attachted to the navy but now the carry out beach landings, and they are usally the first ones into combat, the tip of the spear if you will.

the marines are not their own branch, they are under the navy but they have alot of freedom, so unoffically they are kinda are a branch. The marines are used mostly as a land based force due to the fact that they are attached to the navy and can be rapidly deployed and also for their famous rifle skills.

Unit Level Military Chain of Command - After this, each branch has its own unit level chain of command and/or NCO Support Chain. (See also United States Military Ranks)

* United States Army (contains unit level chain of command)
* United States Marine Corps (contains unit level chain of command)
* United States Navy
* United States Coast Guard
* United States Air Force
Cons himself:

A lot of my post was speculation but I don't see anything to oppose or contradict it.
As for how Gman set up the HECU from the US marines in Santego Miltary base, i constructed it from information I had taken from the Half-Life: Opposing Force Manual.
In the manual it details a day by day account set in a hand written diary format between the actual manual instructions. This diary account was supposedly meant to be Adrian Shepards writings before the Black Mesa incident and talks of a government man taking the top marines from the base and assembling them into an organised fighting unit that we can see was constructed of quite a few platoons.

I think he refered to it as the HECU (Hazardous Environment Combat Unit) and that they were to be on alert ready for duty. This shows the G-man knew the Resonance Cascade was to occur soon and the marines had to be ready to be transported to the LZ in New Mexico.

As for the Black Ops being sent from Fort Bragg North Carolina, it is meerly information I had surmised since I believe the USA Black Operations Command operates out of Fort Bragg.
Lawnmower233 said:
As for the Black Ops being sent from Fort Bragg North Carolina, it is meerly information I had surmised since I believe the USA Black Operations Command operates out of Fort Bragg.

or atleast thats where they want you to think black ops are stationed :sniper:

the g-man had to have known about everything, i mean you see him during the opening tram ride in HL. and he has to be atleast with the marines if not commanding them, since in opposing forces when the troops are pulling out you see the g-man with the marnines. and since they have orders to kill everyone thats not with them and they dont kill the g-man, he must be with them.

as for the black ops, i'm sure the were to clean up any marines or civilians left behind and arm the nuke. infact where do you see all the male black ops? the first time you see them is in a room with warheads in it, now that i think about it. i'm sure all the marines that left black mesa either, went to Xen or their transports were shot down to keep them form talking.
screechrocket said:
the g-man had to have known about everything, i mean you see him during the opening tram ride in HL. and he has to be atleast with the marines if not commanding them, since in opposing forces when the troops are pulling out you see the g-man with the marnines. and since they have orders to kill everyone thats not with them and they dont kill the g-man, he must be with them.

as for the black ops, i'm sure the were to clean up any marines or civilians left behind and arm the nuke. infact where do you see all the male black ops? the first time you see them is in a room with warheads in it, now that i think about it. i'm sure all the marines that left black mesa either, went to Xen or their transports were shot down to keep them form talking.

I would judge the storyline based on Opposing Force. The G-man didn't really interfere in half-life until the very end. Or in HL2 for that matter.

In Opposing Force he was a little rascal, closing hanger doors, that's not the G-man we know and love.

He wasn't killed by the military because
1. He's invincible :D
2. He'd never stick around too long to let anyone hurt him

If you noticed he never got attacked by headcrabs in the Lambda lab, even though he walked right next to them. Does that mean he's controlling Xen?

Although in HL2 the combine attack him I think, the resistance don't, if you spawn him. I think aliens attack him in HL2 too.

That kind of subtley implies he's on the side of the resistance (don't take it as gospel truth though).