The Gate II Devils Reef


Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
The Devils Reef team just released a high resolution promotional video in Bink format that shows, for the first time, in-game action of The Devils Reef. The video includes footage of the new Time Gate, now modeled in the source engine.[br]

The video weighs in at a hefty 54 megs, so beware if you are on a 56k.[br]

Download the video here.
im dling the video, but what exactly is this mod about? i went to the website but didn't find much info.
God help us if they make the mod like they make the wbsite ... the bink looks very ... unfinished.
I really wasn't impressed much. And the announcer made it sound a lot more epic than it really looked. Also the "stargate" or whatever its called looked really cheesy with just the plain water texture over it.

The levels really didn't look very impressive to me either except for the ship part looked kind of neat but nothing where i was saying "WOW!". Maybe if they made it into something that wasn't hl2 related but just used the source engine i'd be a lot more awesome.
I thought it looked pretty neat. The movie ran choppy for some reason but that's probably was my fault for not doing something right. I hope they come out with some custom stuff though, i'd like new weapon skins or something or new models, i know it's hard to make but it would be cool. Yeah, the portal thing needs a new water texture or whatever you call the thingies. The mod might not be real super cool but it looks like i could have some fun.
Yeah, sorry about that. The email I got referred to it as "Blink" so I guess I just rewrote it like that.
EH. Doesnt look all that interesting. The level design was good tho.
izzit just me, or does the extention of the file come out *.1?
It's nice but hey you can't blame them. They just want to get the people to know they're making a mod. It's so beta :) which is totally normal!
There's a reason why the website specifically says in both red and bold:

(Needed to View Video!)

Under the link for the Bink Video Player.
Their use of the source engine wasn't enough for me. The beginning looked like a well mapped HL1 game. But I understand its a beta (or more realistically an alpha). Its seem they have a great backing and excellent support but it also looks like they either need more modellers, or simply better skilled ones.

The thing about the video sort of lost me in the beginning and then as the video went on I gradually became more and more interested. It looks to be a very exciting mod with a very movie feel (maybe not Max Payne movie feel) but as if I'm really a character in the movie instead of controlling a character in a movie. Either way, they both work well.
You would expect them to use powerful PC’s to do the video so it doesn’t lag when you pick up 3 weapons at the same time or get the chopper to shoot at you. Plus I really don’t understand why people keep on using every single HL2 textures, models, static mesh, do your own, make your own enemies, make your own weapons !! I m not going to play another mod with an old burned down vehicle in it or HL2 rusty textures hanging from everywhere (dont get me wrong I loved HL2 but ffs be a little more creative !!)

You would expect them to use powerful PC’s to do the video so it doesn’t lag when you pick up 3 weapons at the same time or get the chopper to shoot at you. Plus I really don’t understand why people keep on using every single HL2 textures, models, static mesh; do your own, make your own enemies, make your own weapons !! I m not going to play another mod with an old burned down vehicle in it or HL2 rusty textures hanging from everywhere (dont get me wrong I loved HL2 but ffs be a little more creative !!) :sleep:
Shens said:
There's a reason why the website specifically says in both red and bold:

(Needed to View Video!)

Under the link for the Bink Video Player.

Omg do I have to read what they have written 2? :o Thats such a pain in the ass :rolling:
Shens said:
There's a reason why the website specifically says in both red and bold:

(Needed to View Video!)

Under the link for the Bink Video Player.

Hmm.. that's stupid. Don't they know that RAD Video tools (the tools used to make Bink videos) can make the Bink video self-executable, without having others to download RAD Tools itself?
bgesley426 said:
Their use of the source engine wasn't enough for me. The beginning looked like a well mapped HL1 game.

The beginning of the video is footage of the The Devil's Reef for Half-Life 1. The video was doing a transition from one engine to another. At least, that's how I interrupted it.
omikron said:
You would expect them to use powerful PC’s to do the video so it doesn’t lag when you pick up 3 weapons at the same time or get the chopper to shoot at you. Plus I really don’t understand why people keep on using every single HL2 textures, models, static mesh, do your own, make your own enemies, make your own weapons !! I m not going to play another mod with an old burned down vehicle in it or HL2 rusty textures hanging from everywhere (dont get me wrong I loved HL2 but ffs be a little more creative !!)

It's still in beta... maybe they haven't gotten around to making the textures and models yet.
that announcer kicks butt.

that was neat. looked more like a new sp map for hl2 then a mod tho.
j4s[p] said:
It's still in beta... maybe they haven't gotten around to making the textures and models yet.

The whole concept of what is beta/alpha is totally lost on the modding community.

Alpha typically means all features are implented but game is not complete, levels/models/textures/scripting/gameplay are all still a work in progress, but each level can be completed from start to finish even if certain elements are missing.

When a game goes BETA it should be feature complete and nearly game complete, with minor bugs getting worked out. Minor bugs does not mean Entire levels incomplete, textures missing, sound not implemented, etc. The entire game should be playable and should be in a shippable state. When you submit a BETA candidate the step after that is Release Candidate. The time between beta and RC1 are spent working all bugs (mostly minor as major bugs should have been adressed in alpha) such as wall hacks, closing off areas of the map that a tester was able to get to by stacking crates, honing gameplay mechanics on a level by level basis.

This "MOD" is far from being any where near alpha and was baffled at their boldness to release this. ah well. what do I know? Goodluck but it really needs some kind of uniqueness, custom enemies and weapons, unique models and textures to seperate it from Gordon Freeman's world and place it properly into the stargate world. (as it seems to so badly want to do).

and by gods learn how to use the RADTools appropriately by compiling your video into an exe.
Hell, that website of theirs looks like something that came from geocities!