The Gears of War are broken


Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
I got this game for the PC and it's quite astonishing the number of bugs to be found. I'm not talking about crashes, the game if anything has been stable on my system with a good framerate, I'm talking about gameplay bugs.

For starters the teammate AI is pretty terrible, sometimes they follow you; sometimes they don't. The AI teammates often get stuck on scenery, and at times I've even got stuck on scenery and had to reload to the last checkpoint. The AI teammates often run into impossible situations to engage in close quarters combat and nearly always end up going down, making them nearly useless. The locust AI probably seems better than it really is, especially on Hardcore (which is what I'm playing it through on) because they can take a shit load of shots before going down, which is a common trick (and one of the reasons people thought HL2 AI was inferior to HL AI as it happens, the grunts took more damage than Combine soldiers).

Another bug encountered was during the Corpser battle. The Corpser managed to blow me onto the emulsion, but guess what? I didn't die. I was able to continue the fight and it was only when I tried to get back onto the platform to blow the latches that I found out there was an invisible barrier stopping me, so it was a reload from last checkpoint. There have been various other annoyances present in the game that I've had to work through but those few things immediately come to mind. I'm not very impressed with this game so far. I've heard the co-op play is something to behold (I'll have to take people's word on that) but that's no excuse for some sloppy AI and the other problems encountered.
Weird, I encountered no such problems with the 360 version...
It's deleted my saved games twice. Which was fun.
Does Feath rhyme with meth?

Also, I have heard bad things about the PC version. And I don't like the 360 version to begin with, so...
If you got stuck on scenery, how could you expect the AI not to get stuck?
I'm playing it for the first time - flawless so far except my progress got lost. I found a clumsy workaround, but the patch apparently fixes this issue. At first I was really turned off by the 3rd-person point of view, but it grows on you.
I played it on 360 and found it tremendously overrated and not even particularly good. Granted I was a bit rubbish at it but the game just wasn't that engaging.
I had one funny but annoying bug in which Dom got stuck in the shadows in those darkness levels with the flying things. Anyway, since he was out of combat, they would kill him, he revived, they killed him, he revived, they killed him, they killed him, he revived, etc into infinity. For shits and giggles I left the game like that and walked away for 5 minutes. When I came back he was still dying. Poor bastard.
i never had any bugs at all in my game, so its just you man. STAY AWAY FROM THE BUSHES AND FLOWERS,THOUGH THEY MAY BE PRETTY DON'T TOUCH THEM!!
ran fine for me except it stuttered like a bastard but i expected it being as my computer is older than my penis

My GoW works perfectly, and the white tea tastes great in my oficial GoW mug.
I really like the game. I did get stuck in the scenery before though and had to quit.

It's true the AI isn't that great, but I won't say it is bad. It's OK.

It has deleted my save games before too. Probably to do with me not Activating my game with Xbox Live (DO NOT WANT tO PLAy online, go away) as it warns you that your progress will be lost when you actually do create an Xbox Live thingy - which I understand to be some sort of anti-cheat protection for Live gamerscore or whatever.

DO NOT WANT Games for Windows Live. Can I just play the game that I bought without any repercussions, and without having to do anything online you ******s?

It could have to do with applying a cracked exe, but the game keeps crashing and won't work anymore. (DO NOT WANT to keep the disc in there just to make sure I actually have the game and not for any other reason you FAGS)

It's a good thing I actually do have the game disc, because I think reinstalling and not patching it with the patch (that makes the game crash on loading a level) will be the easiest way to fix the game.

I'd play the game if it worked. I can't be bothered to re=install it right now, I've got a million things I'm working on.

**** YOU.

Quote - "My GoW on the PC caused my monitor to go out of bounds"

they addressed that in the readme file with a fix