The generators


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
You know those slogan generators and such? Well here's a site full of 'em

Some name for the Vort lightning attack:
"Battling Weapon Blasting Spark Charged True Electrocution Warrior Shocker
Charged Fighting Cannon True Fighter Voltage Combat Targeter
Electric Electro Blaze True Cannon Shocking Way
Electro Battling Fighter Crashing Target Shocker Thundering Battle Attack
Omni True Reaction Thundering Fighter
Shocking Blasting Flash Zap
Thor True Energy Pulse
Volt Assault
Warrior Blasting Lance Shocker True Weapon Lightning Combat Way
Zap Warrior Reaction Bane Voltage Lightning Crashing Electrocution"
Harry Potter and the Arch-Magi of Beauxbatons
Harry Potter and the Astral Rock
Harry Potter and the Cold Forever
Harry Potter and the Coward's Crystal
Harry Potter and the Crystal Necklace
Harry Potter and the Cursed Chime
Harry Potter and the Death Dreams
Harry Potter and the Defender of Shangri-La
Harry Potter and the Dementor of Hogwarts
Harry Potter and the Diadem of the Singer
Harry Potter and the Dwarf of Shangri-La
Harry Potter and the Elf of Agartha
Harry Potter and the Famous Legend
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Club
Harry Potter and the Ghoul of Hufflepuff
Harry Potter and the League of the Dementor
Harry Potter and the Magical Venom
Harry Potter and the Pill of Agony
Harry Potter and the Platinum of Hogsmeade
Harry Potter and the Poison of Knowledge
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Cold
Harry Potter and the Prisoner's Wisdom
Harry Potter and the Torc of the Arch-Magi
Harry Potter and the Traitor of Acid
Harry Potter and the Warrior of Blackness

I'd hit that :O
Absolutely amazing site. I love this.

Best name so far: Czar, with Locks of Topaz and the Ice Chime
My new army!

Ground Infantry: The "Warring Guardians" - Humans, armed with halberds and spears. This unit is mainly used for patrolling.

Underground Infantry: The "Patrol Tunnelers" - Humans using potions of darkvision, armed with axes and blowguns. This unit is mainly used for patrolling.

Underground Infantry: The "Stealthy Slingers" - Humans using spells to see in the dark, armed with maces and slings. This unit is mainly used for covert operations.