The girl that i can't understand....


Jul 4, 2003
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meh. yeah ok i think everyone has posted a sappy girl problem thread at least once up in here, so guess its my turn, even though my religous beliefs forbid this... So in respect i'll keep the sappy crap to a minimum... but on with it you say, so here it is.

Girl Problems-
Ok, i'm having trouble (sort of) maybe some of the more seasoned vets can help me out here. There is this girl that I like. Not sure if she likes me, but, I am informed that she is willing to give it a shot. Well all is good so far but this is where it gets mucky.

Girl Problems 2- Judgment Day-
Alright then, anyway i've known her for a while and she is well, rather unpredictable to say the least. For the most part, you could call her a bitch. She is mean, but not just to me, to everyone really. But i know that she is only just very sarcastic, although its hard to tell when she is being serious or not. So in "fear" i've never really said anything... The end is nigh:

Girl Problems 3- Rise of the mach.. oh nevermind-
Ok well by nature she seems anything but romantic, where as i am a "hopless romantic" so we are at opisite ends of the spectrum there. Also none of my friends really like her either, but there is just some endearing quality about her i can't figure out what it is (not to mention her nickname is yetti because she is taller than everyone, well not me but most of my friends are short).... What should i do? Try to date her, or uh go to smurf village and burn the house down?

Oh i almost forgot:

-Daily recommendations- {Prices subject to changes, results may vary}
Chevelle-wonder whats next- $14.00
Pirates of the Carribean-$20.00
Early Times (good ol' kentucky whiskey) $16.00 (1/5)
Let me guess. You'll do anything she wants. IF this actually gets anywhere, she controls the entire situation. Even if it doesn't, I guess whe has full control also.

I say give it a shot, but don't go begging. Don't count on anything specail happening either. If she can't stop being a bi***, just walk away.
mean? bitchy? the opposite of romantic? the opposite of you??

been there, done that. without knowing the specifics, i'd strongly recommend against dating her. opposites may attract, but they do not make good partners, no way in hell. i can honestly understand why she may be endearing, but don't fall into the trap of thinking she can be some kind of project for you to fix. how old are you/is she? has she had any other boyfriends? talk to them, b/c i'm only basing this on your necessarily limited characterization (if it's clear there's more to her than what she let most people see, then i may be totally off-base).
Ok i'll take heed to these warnings guys, i appreciate it really. Nah I wouldn't let her control sh*t, i've seen to many good friends get controlled by the opposite sex, hell i wouldn't even make her a sandwhich unless there was something in it for me lol (unless of course the whole "love" thing happened) I don't think i will date her, oh and lil' timmy that endearing quality i was talking about, i figured out what it was, she is blonde and hot. I'm 21 and she is 19 i believe... She dated a friend of mine actually, but this guy can get any girl he wants, she gave him hell but i dunno what it was like when they were alone, he said she wouldn't give it up very easy either so...
i think Timmy's advice is on the dot... not to say opposites never work out, just that generally they don't.. and yes, while i can understand that endearing quality u can't name yet, its probably best to move on..

personally i don't think u will get much out of persuing this... but whatever.. u might regret it if u don't find out "what could have been".. so if shes that special to u.. then by all means find out where this leads..

if shes just a girl that u find endearing but not that "special" girl u feel she is.. then u already got decent advice from Timmy..

good luck :)
Yeah I think your right dr. freeman, but as you can tell its a pretty hard decision. I don't think she is "special" but i really haven't tried to talk to her on a romantic level you know? So for all i know we could be perfect soul mates, but the plus side is, i'm not looking for that right now so i guess i'll just stay back for a while and roll with the punches... I won't pursue it, but if it happens it happens i guess.
well, are you guys good friends? if you guys are friends, then you could have something to lose if you pursue an ultimately doomed relationship. however! if you're more of acuaintances, you may want to go after it just to tap that ass, so to speak. sounds like that potentiality is definitely on your mind. if you don't have much to lose and you keep your head, it may just be good ol' fashioned fun for the whole family, if you get my drift.
As timmy said.....

Rule1: Forget any relationship.
Rule2: Tap that ass.
If you want to, then do it, dont care about what others say, just do it, if it fails, then it fails, learn your mistakes and make them again on the next girl :P

Seriously, if you really want to, then go for it...if not, then dont.

Good luck with it mate:thumbs: