The God Delusion /Religion

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Aug 25, 2007
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Has the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins ended your religious beliefs and made you an athiest? It certainly has me. I was on the fence for a while but this book convinced me that there is no god and that god is a figment that we no longer need to survive. Now if only the south would see things the same way. Discuss.
Religion is definitely holding us back as a species. Then again, I'm borderline Athiest/Pagan, so I'm not really sure what I believe in now.
I have not read the book. Dawkins is an asshole. I don't believe in God anyway. Discuss.
that god is a figment that we no longer need to survive.


Also, I would like this thread more if it was-

Has by Munro ended your religious beliefs and made you an athiest? It certainly has me. I was on the fence for a while but this forum convinced me that there is no god and that god is a figment that we no longer need to survive. Now if only the internet would see things the same way. Discuss.
Religion is definitely holding us back as a species.
I think there are other, more powerful factors holding us back. Territorial disputes, drugs, alcohol, corruption, greed. All this human energy invested into the above rubbish instead of building warp engines and terraforming other planets driving humanity into a new state of existence and being.
I was an atheist until I read it, then became a Christian.
I became an atheist a few years before the book came out. I almost read most of the book when it came out and ended up not finishing it. I think Dawkins means well, but I don't really agree with some of his stances now.
Has the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins ended your religious beliefs and made you an athiest? It certainly has me. I was on the fence for a while but this book convinced me that there is no god and that god is a figment that we no longer need to survive. Now if only the south would see things the same way. Discuss.

The God Delusion was very disappointing for me. It is a very watered-down book, filled with simplifications and poor analogies rather than good arguments. There are much better books to explore the philosophical nature of the God question, and much better books to explore scientific concepts like evolution and cosmology.

Nevertheless, it is a good starting point.
That douche is pretty much making Atheism a religion.. All atheists follow him and his beliefs, it's like a ****ing cult. I'm agnostic so **** Dawkins.
Never read anything by Dawkins other than whatever quotes here and there people put, and I have not read any other atheist literature.
That douche is pretty much making Atheism a religion.. All atheists follow him and his beliefs, it's like a ****ing cult. I'm agnostic so **** Dawkins.

That simply isn't true. Not all atheists "follow" Dawkins or his beliefs.

Furthermore, agnosticism is not mutually exclusive with atheism. Most atheists are in fact also agnostic.
That douche is pretty much making Atheism a religion.. All atheists follow him and his beliefs, it's like a ****ing cult. I'm agnostic so **** Dawkins.

It's okay. Keep hating yourself.

Seriously, do we need to have another epic debate over atheism and agnosticism? I don't think I've had one for a long time and we may be past due.

In any case, I read and liked the book. But I think I preferred Sam Harris' End Of Faith more, which I had read just prior to Dawkins' book.
I'm Agnostic and I hate reading stuff unless it involves Harry Potter, fantasy, sci-fi and i hate non religious/religious propaganda.
That douche is pretty much making Atheism a religion.. All atheists follow him and his beliefs, it's like a ****ing cult. I'm agnostic so **** Dawkins.

Religion is nothing more than an organized means of worship, and it seems like many atheists worship this guy and his opinions tbh.

I'm christian btw. Although my opinions are probably more left than most christians.

Also, true christianity != a religion imo, since I believe "organized christianity" (religion) is what's destroying the belief. Also, I'm also probably a minority among christians that believe this.

Why do I believe this? Well, have any of you ever played Mass Effect? The synthetic geth (a cyborg race) get smarter as their numbers increase thanks to what's called a "neural network". Humans are just the opposite. They are smart as individuals, but get stupid as their numbers increase.

I simply call it the, "dumb-ass network".
For a religious person you seem remarkably unable to understand the nature of 'worship'.
It's okay. Keep hating yourself.

Seriously, do we need to have another epic debate over atheism and agnosticism? I don't think I've had one for a long time and we may be past due.

In any case, I read and liked the book. But I think I preferred Sam Harris' End Of Faith more, which I had read just prior to Dawkins' book.

I'm not saying they all follow him, but every time you have an argument about god with any atheist, it's always "well Dawkins said...", like who cares..

Agnosticism and Atheism are the exact same thing, except Atheists are 100% sure, that's all. Neither is right nor wrong, they both just are. I never meant to say one is better then the other.
Nah, just extended exposure to you fine fellows. Also the rest of the internet.
This thread will NOT make a difference in the outcome of your fate. You WILL be...*
For a religious person you seem remarkably unable to understand the nature of 'worship'.
What do you mean?

Also, check my previous post again. You probably missed what I changed. I thought it was pretty good tbh.
Is all this talk about worshiping Dawkins just flamebaiting claptrap or do you actually think we have a ****ing underground cathedral for the man where we flagellate ourselves and draw blood for Lord Richard? So a lot of people agree with his views, and some of them are a little too happy to quote him at every turn of the conversation. Last I checked, this happens with celebrities and historical figures as well. So popularity is a measure of divinity now?

If you're just trying to make a cheap dig at atheism, well, bravo. Real clever. :rolleyes: But if you're being sincere in inviting a comparison between Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ and a man who wrote a book, then I don't know what we have left to talk about.
EDIT: Post directed at Saturos. Absinthe is right.

Yeah, that doesn't really change anything.

Also, you're wrong about the other stuff. Communities allowed humans to evolve the intelligence they now possess. That intelligence belongs more to humanity as a whole than to individuals.
Also, you're wrong about the other stuff. Communities allowed humans to evolve the intelligence they now possess. That intelligence belongs more to humanity as a whole than to individuals.
AAHHHHHHHH hahahah haaaa haaa ha...*cough* HAAAhahaaha....*whew*.

That was more hilarious than what I said. I'm surprised humanity was ever even capable of developing communities tbh, considering how greedy and selfish they are.

It's like when there's some major breakthrough or invention, it's only natural for a single human to try and claim the discovery for themselves right? But somehow despite human nature, mankind managed to edge out an existence and create some illusion of a civilization while building huge metropolises across the globe.

Take for example when there's a major disaster. What happens? that illusion is swept away and humans go back to being their natural selves and start looting and killing.

I'm sorry, but when it comes to mankind as a whole, I'm a huge cynic.

The lunar landing was probably the greatest feat mankind will ever accomplish.
You are so many kinds of stupid, Saturos.
...and there are so many ways of telling you to stfu, but I'll just settle with saying that your an idiot, which is an even great insult than stupid.

Don't believe me? Look it up on and compare the definitions.

BTW, I'm outta this thread. Going back to games and gaming where I belong.
I couldn't care less about anyone else's ideological viewpoints and it's not worth getting banned over.
Anyway, worship requires sacridity, and nobody believes Richard Dawkins is sacred, nor claims that he's at the centre of the universe. You really should look up Smart's seven dimensions of religions and ask yourself whether any of them, let alone all of them, actually apply to 'atheism' (which, strictly speaking, is such a broad term as to be almost meaningless).
Never read anything by Dawkins other than whatever quotes here and there people put, and I have not read any other atheist literature.


On another note. Atheism started with me because I was too lazy to go to church.
...and there are so many ways of telling you to stfu, but I'll just settle with saying that your an idiot, which is an even great insult than stupid.

Don't believe me? Look it up on and compare the definitions.

BTW, I'm outta this thread. Going back to games and gaming where I belong.
I couldn't care less about anyone else's ideological viewpoints and it's not worth getting banned over.

I'm touched you put in the extra effort to CRANK UP your post from simply returning my word.
I would question the authority of in telling me who has the worst intention and strongest meaning.

I really usually don't go in for name calling, because as well can see, it doesn't lead to a great discussion. But I just wish you could understand how dimwitted your beliefs are, or seem to be, judging from the posts you make.
I'm touched you put in the extra effort to CRANK UP your post from simply returning my word.
I would question the authority of in telling me who has the worst intention and strongest meaning.

I really usually don't go in for name calling, because as well can see, it doesn't lead to a great discussion. But I just wish you could understand how dimwitted your beliefs are, or seem to be, judging from the posts you make.
Well if your gonna troll me, at least do it right. "Stupid" is an overused insult.

Yes, even trolling can be an art form.

On another note. Atheism started with me because I was too lazy to go to church.

I did go to Church as a kid, which always felt to weird to me even though I was a believer at the time. Not hardcore, but y'know, I went to a Christian summer camp for a few years which had a whole lot do with celebrating Jesus (but it was still pretty fun). I always found churches to be pretty creepy places overall.

Last time I was in one, me and my dad just riffed on the Bible for half the service.
I'm not "trolling" you. I genuinly think you're stupid.

edit: Man, I went to Christian summer camps for so many years. They were usually quite fun, but they started feeling pretty weird towards the end. The thing that did it was the testimony of someone claming to have been part of a group that raised someone from the dead. But a lot of other stuff happened that I grew increasingly uncomfortable with. Worship is very odd.

I also remember being very disgruntled with the idea that if you make a mistake, it's your fault. You weren't trusting or following God. If you do well, then it was God working through you. All of your achievements mean nothing and without God you're pathetic and evil.
I'm not "trolling" you. I genuinely think you're stupid.
No you don't, because you don't even know me. BTW, I fixed your typo.

*pssh* Your a newb typist too, and quit de-railing the thread with your petty insults.

On Topic: Sulkdodds where can I find this "Smart's seven dimensions of religions"?
No you don't, because you don't even know me. BTW, I fixed your typo.

*pssh* Your a newb typist too

Jesus Christ, man.

Anyway, I said "judging from the posts you make".

The fact is, you seem to believe a lot of the things you say, and if that's true, then I just can't see you not being an idiot.
Jesus Christ, man.

Anyway, I said "judging from the posts you make".

The fact is, you seem to believe a lot of the things you say, and if that's true, then I just can't see you not being an idiot.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. There are plenty of educated people who think your opinions are stupid. There are also plenty of educated people who think my opinion's are stupid. (well, more educated than me anyways, I don't have a Ph.D in social sciences or anything)

Unfortunately, I don't think you fall under this category, so you don't count. Your just some random internet guy without a Ph.D who probably hasn't even graduated high school yet. Being called stupid by you doesn't even warrant my attention. The only reason why I'm debating this with you is because I'm bored. In fact, it's the ONLY reason why anyone is here, in this thread, RIGHT NOW.

Opinions are just that. Opinions.
Haven't read the book. Disbelief doesn't really need a manual, and regardless of whether Dawkins or Dawkins reading atheists have put him on a pedestal, 'Richard Dawkins' is becoming Atheism (in the same way that the Pope stands for the Catholic church) in the wider public conscience. Everytime he's tangentially quoted refuting god, or broadcast as an alternative to the church's views on something or rather that really concerns neither or camply telling us how amazing the inside of Giraffe is, the association is strengthened. Why? A Christian viewpoint may be represented by any number of church figures, or god-fearing Christians (where's out atheist Cliff f***ing Richard?), but for Atheism it's Dawkins, Dawkins or Dawkins.

Silly really, when the two viewpoints could simultaneously and efficiently be represented by making a church minister state his case whilst inhaling helium.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions. There are plenty of educated people who think your opinions are stupid. There are also plenty of educated people who think my opinion's are stupid. Unfortunately, I don't think you fall under this category, so you don't count. Your just some random internet guy without a Ph.D who probably hasn't even graduated high school yet. Being called stupid by you doesn't even warrant my attention. The only reason why I'm debating this with you is because I'm bored. It's the ONLY reason why anyone is here, in this thread, RIGHT NOW.

Opinions are just that. Opinions.

I don't think there are really plenty of people who think I'm stupid, let alone "educated" whatever that is supposed to mean. Now, there are probably a significant number of people who don't like me. But that's something else.

I remember the opinions argument coming up a lot in school. People would often say an opinion can't be wrong as a way of justifying the nonsense they would spout. That's not really true if your opinion is something like, oh I don't know,

They are smart as individuals, but get stupid as their numbers increase

...which is patently untrue.

You seem to be suggesting that I am uneducated. Is that your opinion? Because that would be wrong as well.

I'm of the opinion that you're a complete tool, and I really wish I had the time to talk more about why that is, because I know I'm just not doing this justice with the posts I'm making. Typing on a non-qwerty keyboard is just far too painstaking though.

Oh I see you've edited your post. Well, if you want to know my qualifications. I've finished university and I'm currently an English teacher. And if you're a person who thinks teachers don't know anything, well... firstly you'd be wrong about me, but besides that, I've also worked in many areas of construction.
I don't think there are really plenty of people who think I'm stupid, let alone "educated" whatever that is supposed to mean. Now, there are probably a significant number of people who don't like me. But that's something else.

I remember the opinions argument coming up a lot in school. People would often say an opinion can't be wrong as a way of justifying the nonsense they would spout. That's not really true if your opinion is something like, oh I don't know,

...which is patently untrue.

You seem to be suggesting that I am uneducated. Is that your opinion? Because that would be wrong as well.

I'm of the opinion that you're a complete tool, and I really wish I had the time to talk more baout why that is, because I know I'm just not doing this justice with the posts I'm making. Typing on a non-qwerty keyboard is just far painstaking though.

Oh I see you've edited your post. Well, if you want to know my qualifications. I've finished university and I'm currently an English teacher. And if you're a person who thinks teachers don't know anything, well... firstly you'd be wrong about me, but besides that, I've also worked in many areas of construction.
Your an English teacher? :rolling:
Well, your the first English teacher I haven't been able to get along with if your even telling the truth.

English and creative writing were my favorite subjects. Nothing but A's in those courses. Too bad these courses are useless in the real world.
I guess I just don't know how to apply the knowledge I gained from these subjects.
On Topic: Sulkdodds where can I find this "Smart's seven dimensions of religions"?
I don't know about you, but I googled them. Maybe you shouldn't bother because you will only end up trying to claim that evolution and the big bang fulfil the Narrative dimension for the Atheist religion.

Also, I think merely using Smart misses out two very key characteristics of religion: its conception of the sacred, the inviolably and worship-worthy, and the ensuing totalistic division of the world into 'sacred' and 'profane'.

edit: Man, I went to Christian summer camps for so many years. They were usually quite fun, but they started feeling pretty weird towards the end. The thing that did it was the testimony of someone claming to have been part of a group that raised someone from the dead. But a lot of other stuff happened that I grew increasingly uncomfortable with. Worship is very odd.
I was all set to go "oh yeah hey me too!" but the Christian angle of the camps I went to was never so intense that they'd actually tell us how our actions related to God, and nobody ever claimed to raise the dead. The Christianity tended to be restricted to prayers, songs and Veggie Tales. As far as I'm concerned it was a healthy fun time that never did me any harm.

Yet it's interesting - a friend of my parents who we're staying with expressed a lot of shock and even horror when she heard of it. "How could you do that?" she said. It surprised me how aghast she actually was. And it also surprised me that they discussed even the possibility of any tension with the friend (a vicar) who's coming around next week. The 'militant atheism' of today is actually a default attitude for old people of a certain background or persuasion. They regard it as totally normal, rather than in any way contraversion, to compare God to a tellytubby or religious people to mental patients. And they found it weird when I said "oh well, all the religious people at my college, we just all sort of get on".

Maybe this is because religion was more powerful in their childhoods and early days, so they are more vehement in denying it. But it's also possible that religion has resurged since then, become more prominent, and that makes books like Dawkins' rather necessary. Kupo, you say that disbelief doesn't need a manual, but that's not exactly what Dawkins is trying to do, is it? He wants to demolish the faith of people whose religious convictions are simple and founded on faith - and there are many of them. He's making a deliberate and very blunt tool of himself in order to tackle a certain kind of religion. In that, I think he's rather successful.
I'm not sure, Saturos, why you would want to abandon one of the things which the internet does so well.

That is: to provide anonymity and fulfil Oscar Wilde's maxim - I forget the wording - that people should not be preoccupied with who made a statement that they do not do justice to what the statement said.

EDIT: Your self-proclaimed cynicism about human nature is pretty hilarious. I'm not here because I'm bored.
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