The Good News


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
In these recent times of hardship, there is good news.

We can now see the performance of the 9800XT, and then the poor souls who would have gotten it bundled will truly know it's performance.

It doesn't sound that exciting to me, but hey, it might be a "tad" better than a 9800 Pro. Let's take the old "wait and see". :cheers:
I think I'll just buy half-life 2 tomorrow and see how it runs (I'm not in denial, youre all in undenial)
new video card out every other month, and yet good games to use them only appear like Hailes comet? Lol not very pleasing when u think about it like that
2 words, Dynamic Overclocking :)

I can't wait to see how the 9800XT performs, even though I will never be able to afford one.
Originally posted by sportz103
I think I'll just buy half-life 2 tomorrow and see how it runs (I'm not in denial, youre all in undenial)

It's delayed man. Just face it. ;(
Let him have his hope, for without it we are nothing either. For all we know it might not even be comming out this year, so we might all bind in denial
its not delayed. Your denying the possibility that your denial of my denial is denying the possibilty of you denying the g-man tomorrow.
Originally posted by sportz103
its not delayed. Your denying the possibility that your denial of my denial is denying the possibilty of you denying the g-man tomorrow.
LIES!!!! :flame: :flame: :flame:
I just bought a 9800, if it shows a 40FPS increase, i'll die ;) (that won't happen...most we'll see is a 5-7 or around there...could be wrong though)
Originally posted by coolio2man
LIES!!!! :flame: :flame: :flame:

Where am I lying, youre just denying your denial about me denying my denial, thus you have been denied
hehe, never noticed that, youre right, it does look like its humping
Originally posted by sportz103
I think I'll just buy half-life 2 tomorrow and see how it runs (I'm not in denial, youre all in undenial)

lol, you sad man.
Originally posted by sportz103
I think I'll just buy half-life 2 tomorrow and see how it runs (I'm not in denial, youre all in undenial)

omg, you have said it right on the mark
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
string = emotion, HL2Release;

cout << "Please input the HL2 Release date./n";
cout << "Choose from: tomorrow, ";
cout << "OneMonth, ThreeMonth, SlipTo2004./n";
if (HL2Release = tomorrow)
emotion = Joyous;
if (HL2Release = OneMonth)
emotion = disappointed;
else if (HL2Release = ThreeMonth)
emotion = angered;
else if (HL2Release = SlipTo2004)
emotion = Seriously_pissed_off;
cout << "I feel " << emotion << " because of HL2's release date.";
return 0;

There, I studied (very quickly) for my C++ class :p It could be wrong, but I could care less.
Originally posted by sportz103
I think I'll just buy half-life 2 tomorrow and see how it runs (I'm not in denial, youre all in undenial)

lmao, funny guy ehhh? :LOL:


You are, = is the assignment operator. Use == to compare (not strings), "/n" should be "\n", you declared the variables wrong, and you compare strings using a string comparison function like strcmp(), strcmpi() (case-insensitive), or a variation of these. To assign a c-string variable a value you can't use = unless you're declaring the variable, you have to use strcpy(). Just some tips to help you out on your test, but you have some more studying to do if you want to get a decent grade. :(
exactly what i was about to say

then again, i don't know C++.
Originally posted by Nosferatu
lmao, funny guy ehhh? :LOL:


You are, = is the assignment operator. Use == to compare (not strings), "/n" should be "\n", you declared the variables wrong, and you compare strings using a string comparison function like strcmp(), strcmpi() (case-insensitive), or a variation of these. To assign a c-string variable a value you can't use = unless you're declaring the variable, you have to use strcpy(). Just some tips to help you out on your test, but you have some more studying to do if you want to get a decent grade. :(

I haven't gotten very far in the class, I'm still working on it though :p That and I wrote that in about 2 minutes hehe.
PS: Don't have a test coming up or anything hehe.
BTW: Thanks :)
kind of off topic, but is undenial a word? or is it like indenial or nondenial. Either way it's almost time for me to start camping out for the game. A tip for you who plan to camp out, dont go to the store too many people there, instead camp out at the owners house, its great when they walk out and youre sleeping in a tent on their lawn
that sounds a lot worse than undenial, but it is coming out. It was at my local drug store (legal drugs :cheers: )
Hey Nos, can you rewrite my post so that it's corrected using the corrections you just posted?
I got the \n mixed up as well as the == (I know these heh) but using the string comparison and declaring a string, please? hehe
Originally posted by Ares

if (HL2Release = tomorrow)
emotion = Joyous;

else if (HL2Release = OneMonth)
emotion = disappointed;

else if (HL2Release = ThreeMonth)
emotion = angered;

else if (HL2Release = SlipTo2004)
emotion = Seriously_pissed_off;
Eh, that's how I'd do the 'if' statement... 'else' should always be the last one by the way...
Ah, that's right - I don't need that last 'if' in there, heh.
You should add an emotion for if the game is cancelled, unlikely at this point but possible. Gabe could always sit down too fast causing an earthquake thus destroying all of valve's computers
Originally posted by sportz103
that sounds a lot worse than undenial, but it is coming out. It was at my local drug store (legal drugs :cheers: )
Yeah, I saw your ermm.. photo of the box... why didn't you pick it up?
9800XT sounds much better than my current card: PNY GeForce 3
Originally posted by Mitch2891
Yeah it is very wrong, and your layout sucks (indentation is key!!!)
Couldn't really indent without hitting space bar hundreds of times on the forums:p
Originally posted by Ares
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
string = emotion, HL2Release;

cout << "Please input the HL2 Release date./n";
cout << "Choose from: tomorrow, ";
cout << "OneMonth, ThreeMonth, SlipTo2004./n";
if (HL2Release = tomorrow)
emotion = Joyous;
if (HL2Release = OneMonth)
emotion = disappointed;
else if (HL2Release = ThreeMonth)
emotion = angered;
else if (HL2Release = SlipTo2004)
emotion = Seriously_pissed_off;
cout << "I feel " << emotion << " because of HL2's release date.";
return 0;

There, I studied (very quickly) for my C++ class :p It could be wrong, but I could care less.

If I recall my basic days from the late 80's you could do that in less lines (in basic) perhaps not thou, last time I even used basic was goosh, 8 years ago.

=if(HL2>2003,"Kill Self",if(doom3>HL2,Kill EVERYONE, kill self))
Yeah, probably but I'm what they call in '1337 speak' a n00b at programming :p
Indenting always gets messy for me... I prefer just leaving spaces between lines... yup, even with them large ones...
Ares, I was going to get it, but they wouldnt sell it because its still the 29'th here. Heres a picture of the official box for those who havent seen it