The Great Big BF2 Gameplay Fix it List


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
well what things erk you about the gameplay in bf2? what would you like changed if anything...
what i'd like to see changed:
1) All sniper rifles need to be more accurate...

2) the usmc got shafted in the weapon department for the medic and possibly the assault class, the m-16 is terribly weak compared to the ak 101, i nearly always play medic in a squad but when on the us side i reconsider just coz the m16 is so weak, being burst doesnt help, if your caught in an alleyway or tight area against an auto you're dead, when PLA or Mec you have a much better chance...

3) Support weapons need to be more accurate when prone, the spray on these is way too much for me, even when firing burst when prone...

4) Helicopters need to be weaker vs tank and antitank shells. Likewise if an AT kit guy is standing by a flag a chopper is trying to hover over it should go down one hit to the engine/cockpit two hits anywhere else.

5) More Game Modes, where teams are made defend/attack a certain target...some maps have too many flags i think...

6) Vehicles need to stop crushing you to death by moving a centimetre in your direction whether occupied or not.

7) Spec ops need points for destroying arty, radars and com stations at enemy bases

8) Remove the ability to repair artillery and other commander structures by dropping supplies at them. Let engineers work...and the class will become more popular hopefully..

9) maybe the ability to defuse/disable c4 at flags, its quite annoying getting to flag and seeing it surrounded by c4 with the planters nowhere in sight just waiting for the flag to go neutral, maybe engineers could have this ability or everyone with the knife...although its a good tactic and there is a risk of tk'ing too so it has its +'s & -'s..

10) assault's smoke grenade needs to be thicker/wider...

can't think of anymore atm
i'd agree with all of them
sniper rifles being more accurate is the way to go - not more power
and the vehicle damage thing is annoying seeing as i seem to rake up teamkills with idiots running around my tank
i was so pissed that spec ops gets no points for destroying artillery etc - i wasted hours winning map after map and got an average of 5 points each time

tank smoke should break the lock of a missile and the name tag over the tank should disappear
what irks me? constant lag, not enough low ping servers, crappy server browser, no ASE support out of the box, punishing ENG's for teamates stupidity is just well stupid, and everything you mentioned above some minor things like no invincibility for a few secs after you spawn ...really hard to play when someone is sitting in a tank waiting for you to spawn ..oh and those rediculous number of points required to go up in rank ..I'm lucky if I unlock one gun this year
100% agreed with everything said, it was always a hastle to try to not kill the stupid people around the ol' tank. We should e-mail EA and tell them to fix all of these things or else....

(i dont know what the "or else" will be but i think that we can think up something)
I agree with everything but this:
8) Remove the ability to repair artillery and other commander structures by dropping supplies at them. Let engineers work...and the class will become more popular hopefully..
Supplies are very important in the field, this way you use them here and are unnable to give field support for a while.
11) punishing engineers by driving over their antitank mines, OMFG dont get me started on this particular one

john3571000 said:
tank smoke should break the lock of a missile and the name tag over the tank should disappear

yeah agreed...
Sniper rifles are accurate... you just have to actually take in account how fast the person is moving. The bullet takes time to reach the target it seems.
I just lost my post....
Anyways, all that needs to be changes is:
LMGs more accurate/more damage
All rifles more accurate
M16 does 35 damage a hit, so 1 burst will kill
Helicopters capping a point take 4 times as long
Anti-Tank SMG is more accurate while running, and all around more accurate
China and MEC transport helicopters get a weapon that is equal to the blackhawk machine gun
Jets are somehow weaker, I don't know how, but one good jet pilot can win a game
I think, to weaken jets a bit more, reloading fully should take up to a minimum of 3 runs over an airstrip.
Pesmerga said:
I think, to weaken jets a bit more, reloading fully should take up to a minimum of 3 runs over an airstrip.
Of they should land...but 3 passes would be nice. I think it is ridiculous how powerfull they can be.
Wacky kills. Im in a blackhawk, loaded up, im flying. Some guy on the other team is shootin at us in a plane and flying towards us. Somebody bails out yet somehow dies and I get the teamkill, theres 1 punish. He then crashes into me, getting every kill for it, yet I somehow teamkilled them at the same time?

I've had buggys come plowing into my tank, they blow up and im punished 3 times and banned.

Weapons, is it me or do the Medic rifles just plain kick the shit out of the Spec-Ops one? I mean, they dont have a scope but they're very strong. Stronger than the unlocked one even. However, the unlockable medic gun is piss weak. :\ Snipers, missing 5 shots and finally nailing a guy thats AFK is retarded. Pity he wakes up after that shot and scampers off, never to be seen again.

Morons that want something and I get it, so they run infront and sit there.

Idiots that charge right into my claymores or mines and punish.


Headshots, sometimes, it's just like CS, I shoot some guy 3-4 times and im dead in one, just because a lucky bullet smacked me right in the face from half a mile away. :[

Im done.
UMmm I dont think Helicopters should become weaker to Anti tank weapons; and i dont think helicopter missiles should be weaker.
Even though I am a keen helicopter pilot, I still think the attack helicopters are pretty dam weak armour wise already, with 2 LAWs killing them, and one TOW will destory them. Also there are AA guns (stingers) nearby basically all flags, and the linebacker AA tanks can easily destory helis with their 4 missiles.
Changing your name without having to create a new accout. You have no idea how much this bothers me. If I was to join a clan, I would have to create a new account and lose all upgrades and medals I gain on the other account.
Making the Blackhawk less vulnerable to bullets. How in the world can an AK or a LMG rip apart a Blackhawk?
the rocket on the assault class just sucks shouldnt take 3 gernades to destoy an apc at close range
I love the spec ops gun, have killed to many with it, I can't stand burst. Don't think it should be changed though, caue a lot of folks seem to liek it. But I'm a cs man, and I like to control how much I fire with my trigger, and it's suck if you just wanna spray at pointblank range.
ray_MAN said:
Changing your name without having to create a new accout. You have no idea how much this bothers me. If I was to join a clan, I would have to create a new account and lose all upgrades and medals I gain on the other account.
Making the Blackhawk less vulnerable to bullets. How in the world can an AK or a LMG rip apart a Blackhawk?

Then again, most peoples ideas are true here lol
ray_MAN said:
Changing your name without having to create a new accout. You have no idea how much this bothers me. If I was to join a clan, I would have to create a new account and lose all upgrades and medals I gain on the other account.
Making the Blackhawk less vulnerable to bullets. How in the world can an AK or a LMG rip apart a Blackhawk?
AKs don't do any damage to blackhawks, the only infintry class that does is support (atleast noticeable damage). Also, I had to make a new account when I joined a clan, I lost my corporal rank and my #6 anti tank ranking. But I don't care though, I am more proud to wear the [clan] tag than I am to have the corporal rank, it gets more respect.
Fliko said:
Sniper rifles are accurate... you just have to actually take in account how fast the person is moving. The bullet takes time to reach the target it seems.
No, they are horrible. I have, on countless occasions, shot a guy who was NOT moving and I did not hit them even after shooting a good 4 times.
Dumb Dude said:
No, they are horrible. I have, on countless occasions, shot a guy who was NOT moving and I did not hit them even after shooting a good 4 times.
Tis true, I've done it a few times..I was proned and all, granted it took the 3rd shot to hit