the great ryan mystery...

Jackal hit

Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
so i've been sitting on a link to what i think is a REALLY cool video and i LOVE the music but haven't been able to figure out what the music is called/who its by, whatever. and lovely how stupid i am, i only now thought to ask all you guys if you happened to know what music this is. btw, i mean the first song... second song is apocalyptica-nothing else matters... so no posts going "dude that song is apocalyptica" :)

Nope, it's not from the matrix, although it does sound a lot like some of the songs from the Matrix 3 soundtrack.

It's a great tune. Anyone have a better clue?
c'mon someone MUST know it...

...damn the off topic forum is DEAD tonight... :x
c'mon people, i need help with this :(

i'll make out with whoever answers this.

...and give them reacharounds...