The Green Flu - Database: Episode 2


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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We're bringing the science and the facts in Episode 2 of ValveTime Database, as we analyse the primary cause of events in the Left 4 Dead series, the Green Flu.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to catch the newest episodes of ValveTime Database as soon as they are released. Stay tuned for the next episode as we'll be checking out the Special Infected from Left 4 Dead to talk about how they act and why they exist. Thanks for watching!​


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How about making an episode for the Combine? But with inside all detail. Like what happened to the alien side and who is Dr.Breen exactly etc. Great video though. Really blew my mind off!
Love it.
Are you guys still looking for suggestions?
Love it.
Are you guys still looking for suggestions?

Certainly are. We have a few established ideas for the next few episodes, but we're always looking for good suggestions.
I think the most obvious one people would want is The G-Man, but I imagine that might be kind of hard. Another thing like Mr. Arda said that would be great is combine. Another idea is talk about something from a valve game you really don't cover in the news....alot....ever... like day of defeat or ricochet. I can't promise many views or interest but it would be a good idea because since they are the games least covered in the news or at all they generally are the games least known about. Anyways looking forward to "Valvetime Database episode 3 -Special Infected" (or if you really want to follow in valve's footsteps: "Database episode 2 part 1 Special Infected")
I like the idea of an episode with Day of Defeat. That would be pretty nice.
The Black Plague would have had a higher R0, much closer to that of the Green Flu with mortality at 30-75%.