The Half-Nots


Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
The Half-Nots

PC Gamer said:
The industry’s year-end awards lists are starting to hit, and it’s interesting to read the justifications of those who denied Half-Life 2 the top slot. It was the unanimous choice of PC Gamer’s editors, myself included, which is why we were so amazed to see the game completely jackalized in some other places.

Interesting... I'm pretty sure the 'Rival Magazine' is Computer Gaming World. His point is that people didn't HL2 the award it deserved because they were trying to be "hippier than the hype." As in, "the only reason people liked it is because it was so hyped up."

It will be interesting to hear what the “Half-Nots” have to say in a few years, when Half-Life 2 is the one game that springs to mind whenever the year “2004” is mentioned.

As far as single player goes, I had more fun playing Chronicles of Riddick than I did HL2. But alas, no multiplayer with it... :(
Careful - them's fighting words on these forums.

But Pirates! better than HL2. From what I can make out it's basically the original with a few more minigames and prettier graphics. I played a career from beginning to end and got bored after about 5 hours of play - and I really like pirates in general!
Good read. Although i thought that Half-Life 2 seemed to be fairing pretty damn well for itself.
Not only will the game be known as the game of 2004 later on, but when "later on" comes, HL2 will STILL be played by a very large percent of the gamers around the world.

Like HL1 was.

And if you can count Steam to be a downside of the game, then I can count all the hundreds of mods to come as a good side.
All it is is games journalists/magazines trying to be different/cool and not suceeding at all :flame: . It's like when an underground band has a hit. They're suddenly 'shit' and 'sell outs'. Or when a successful band comes out with a 'concept' or 'different' album they get slated for not doing exactly the same thing.

They think they're cool for snubbing something that every1 else likes. They're just wankerz in my opinion. :sniper:

Bah **** those daft pricks. HL2 is flawed but it's as close to perfection a FPs has ever achieved!!! :D
EXACTLY. They figure "If THIS OTHER magazine is praising HL2, I can't, because then there would be no purpose to buy MY magazine!"

They are just after money.
I see how Steam issues would effect the game scores, but i don't see why they should hold it against them. For GAME of the year. Not delivery program of the year...
Jintor said:
I see how Steam issues would effect the game scores, but i don't see why they should hold it against them. For GAME of the year. Not delivery program of the year...
Quoted For Truth.
The only games i rate are HL, Hl2 and Battlefield 1942 and hopefully Battlefield 2. im not really a single player guy, but i enjoyed HL2, and appreciated the level of emmersion and variety they achieved. But i think reviewers should take into account the fact that they are platforms for soo much more than a single player expierience. I mean i can easily see Hl2 still being popular in 5 years time like its predecessor, because of the multiplayer community and the mod community, why is this soo hard to see for industry-wise magazines? I mean many devs have recognised this fact by now, why not game reviewers. For HL2 at least, the mod community was already alive and kicking, so its not like it would have been hair brained speculation.

Though from what ive heard and my beta expierience, WoW would be very deserving of any accolades its recieves(Though if they complain about steam, why not complain about the fact there was alot of server downtime for WoW, and in my opinion exorbitant monthly fees?), but as far as value for money/fun, Hl2 is second to none.
No, I posted it first, actually. Check the post dates.
Steam problems? It's your own fault if you're having trouble with steam. I'm on dial-up and it works fine, very slowly, yes, but fine. I just wish I had known about it sooner. I bought retail and now I can't get certain games...
Damn those people that hates HL2 bec. its too popular... even popular than teh Halo 2.
They simply want the world to beat the crap out of them.