The Hetaera super-mega-hyper secret comic


Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
You now have the access to the greatest IRC-engineering project of all times.

The Hetaera Comic.

Quoting the great master
"This comic is automatically generated by an irc bot. It is based on comicbot, which is a fine java bot that sits in a channel and turns the last couple of lines into a comic when someone says "lol" or similar terms. However, it's a tad limited. By default it doesn't display nicknames for example, and as the comic templates are premade images there's no way of knowing who is saying what. At first I tried to remedy this by adding nickname boxes, but they cluttered up the image a lot and things were still pretty confusing. After some leet haxxor java programming I came up with the current bot. It dynamically places character images depending on who is saying what, and to whom that person is likely to be speaking.

Of course, automatic generation has one disadvantage. You can't be sure whether something funny is actually happening or Zmur is just lolling like a mad potato farmer again for no reason."
Ahh, so this is how whiteninjacomics was made.
no seriosuly whats hetiria... i know it's a forum (that i have 2 posts on :D ) and that's it. What does it mean? is it a mod? is it a random thingie? i don't get it :/
IRC has risen (sunk?) to new levels of ridiculous-ness.

What will they think of next? mIRC: The Movie?
Sulkdodds said:
IRC has risen (sunk?) to new levels of ridiculous-ness.

What will they think of next? mIRC: The Movie?

Think of the profits.